Forever After

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When they finally arrived at the little lake that was tucked away in a faraway corner of the woods, Sorey couldn't believe his eyes. The trees were heavy with fluffy white snow and icicles, that reflected the light of the sun, hung from bushes and branches around them. The lake was completely frozen over and he could see Mikleo and himself mirrored in its surface. Mikleo – who smirked at him like the cat that got the cream. Beautiful, bright Mikleo.

"Wow, this is incredible! You never do anything half-assed, do you?"

The seraph shrugged his shoulders and brushed a tendril of hair that had escaped the long ponytail behind his ear. Sorey followed the movement and swallowed. Even tiny things like this made him hyperaware of how attractive his childhood friend had become during his long slumber. The white knitted sweater covered Mikleo's slim figure, but did nothing to diminish his beauty. Close as they were, he didn't dare touch Mikleo's hair – to see if it was as soft as he imagined. He knew his face was flushed, but thankfully Sorey could attribute that to the fact that it was indeed rather cold between the snowy trees.

"Of course not. This is much more fun than simply freezing the lake. I thought you might want to really experience it – like it was actually winter."

Did he just imagine it, or did Mikleo really look slightly embarrassed? He was grateful that his friend went to such lengths to do something nice for him, but felt bad at the same time, since he had left Mikleo by himself for such a long time. Most of their old companions were dead or scattered to the winds and as far as he knew, Mikleo had never stayed long in any given place. Always the lone wanderer – until Sorey had finally woken up again. But now wasn't the time for sentimental thoughts. He was awake and they were together once more – he would make up for his absence in any way that he could. There was nothing that he wanted more than to see Mikleo smile.

"You're awesome Mikleo! So how do you do this?"

The seraph procured two pairs of shoes with weird metal bars attached to them and Sorey assumed he had to put those on. Once again he noticed how behind he was on things that had happened in the world. He didn't even know how to ice-skate. Mikleo would probably tease him mercilessly, but secretly – or maybe not so secretly – Sorey really enjoyed their banter. It had been so easy to fall back into their old habits – even after all the years that had passed. Mikleo had changed outwardly, but not so much on the inside. Or he didn't let on that he had.

"Just put those on for now and then we'll see about getting you on the ice."

How could someone even look graceful while putting on a pair of weird shoes? One of the mysteries of the world. Before Mikleo could catch him staring, Sorey busied himself by trying to put on his own skates. They were tight, but with a bit of tugging and squeezing he finally managed. Mikleo was already on the ice and skated around the perimeter of the lake, twirling into a pirouette here and there. Yet again Sorey was staring, but he couldn't help it.

Mikleo's ponytail whipped around him and his amethyst eyes shone with joy. His face was nearly as flushed as Sorey's own – just for entirely different reasons. Watching the water seraph enjoying himself in this wintery environment must have been the most beautiful thing Sorey had ever witnessed. Mikleo was simply a thing of beauty in its most pure form.

A moment later he stopped in front of Sorey, sweater sliding off one shoulder a little – exposing milky white skin to the cold – and Sorey's gaze. His smile was brilliant but apologetic and Sorey thought for a moment his heart would stop.

"Ah sorry, I couldn't help it. Come on, it's your turn now."

Mikleo suddenly grabbed Sorey's hands and he nearly lost his balance before he even stepped on the ice.

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