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**This book is an unedited version**

**It may consist few grammatical mistakes and typing errors. If you are looking for a nice and interesting story read this book but If you want an error-free book that is perfect, please kindly ignore this book. Thank You.**


**"They say day someone will hug you so tight that all your broken pieces will fit back again..."**

A blissful evening, cool and gentle breeze, pleasing view of the sea, and Arjit Singh's romantic songs, this is all an ideal life is about, what else we want from life. Sitting here on my balcony, having sips of my favorite coffee and admiring the sunset. I don't know why, but this takes me to some other world making me forget all my worries.

It is not like that I have many worries in my life. I am an archeologist by profession so most of my time is spent with books and research. I have a well-paid job in History Research Centre. I got married to the love of my life seven years ago, and have 4 years old Son, life to me is a beautiful piece of art like smooth and sweet poetry but still, there is something which is missing, right from within, within from my heart. I feel there is a hollowness in my heart and soul. I have to spend lots of nights thinking about nothing.

I am enjoying my peaceful coffee and then that phone call comes, that call that changes my life, that call. I wished I never picked. That call I received from my husband, the person I love more than my life, I trust more than anyone, the person who is the father of my son, who protects me from every problem, the person who is the reason behind that meaningless hollowness in my life.
I am Naina Patil, a 29 years old lady, with a lovable husband Abhay Patil, 4 years old son Abhimanyu Patil, blissful life, and some un-revealed truths.....


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