Start from the beginning

I walked down the aisle and went to my dressing room.

"What a mess" I said between my breathe. A big mess yes! My whole schedule is now in mess. I started to pick my things and put them inside my make-up kit and my bag. This would be the last lyn, I keep on reminding myself which actually made me sad. I really love acting in front of many people but then my mom and dad didn't want me too. I sighed to that thought.

"Need someone to talk to?" I almost jumped and immediately look at....

"Oh! Jaeseok sunbaenim!"I bowed as a sign of respect, he chuckled.

"Too formal lyn, just call me jaeseok. It won't hurt anyway" he said and then smile at me.

"So did I just interrupt something after you sighed so heavy as if you have the world is behind your back?" he said without pausing and while playing his phone in his hands.

"Nothing much jaeseok uhh? Do I have anything that I can do for you?" Hopefully my attempt in changing the subject would work. Please let it work!

"Sure you have." He said while smiling so wide. Darn! Didn't he notice he's so freaking handsome? My gosh! Don't get me wrong but jaeseok sunbaenim is like an anime character came to life. He's so damn perfect. He stand by my side and then handed me his phone.

"What should I do with your phone?" I asked innocently.

"Kindly put your number there please." Damn it! Jaesek sunbaenim stop looking at me I might melt!

"Alright then." I started to enter my number and saved it

"Thank you lyn! See you around" Did he just?...... Calm down lyn. Control it. Don't let it.... Alright I'm calm now. JAESEOK SUNBAENIM JUST WINKED AT ME LIKE AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! I COULD DIE HAPPY NOW. I didn't noticed the wide curve that form in my lips.

One week had passed so quick that I didn't noticed it at all. Well nothing special happened at all, still the same. Waking up every day, studying at school, going back home, eat and sleep. My very usual routine. I really miss acting on stage. The lights, script, busy people around panicking because there are still something to fix, the costumes I used to wear, the make ups, co-actors and actresses, Everything about theater.

You have to focus now lyn, acting is now over you've promised that to your mom right? Enough with it, start studying now. Oh goodness of life, how am I supposed to study now? I didn't even bother to listen to our professor in front who keeps on talking about the gravitational pull of the earth. I really hate science, well not that much but I really prefer math over science.

"Miss Shin?"

Did our professor called me?

"Miss Shin are you with us?" shit! It's me.

"yes madam I'm sorry if I look like not listening" I replied to teacher.

"What is the main reason why we have gravity?" said teacher kate.

"To hold our feet to the ground and for us to stay where we are." I answered her question.

"Good answer, now class...." And she started to discuss again.

When will this subject end? I really want to get the hell out of here and move to our literature class. I love English because of the novels we are reading and our teacher get us to act for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2017 ⏰

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