The Phantom Shot.

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Kanna enters a large and dark room that was only lit by a single window. In the windowsill sat a large man with a feathery pink coat that hung on his shoulders.

He looks straight at her once she enters the room.  Surprised at first but soon a large crazy looking grin formed on his face.

"What brings your here my beautiful niece?" Doflamingo coos.

The tone in his voice sent shivers down her spine.  She had heard how ruthless Doflamingo could be but those stories could have been just exaggeration...or so she hoped.  Kanna shook her fears away. She had to be strong this would all be for nothing. 

"I'm here to get vengeance on my father. Help me kill Trafalgar Law." Kanna spoke darkly while her bangs shadowing her eyes.

Doflamingos grin grew more, "Why would I help you kill Law when I don't want him dead?"

Kannas breath hitched in her throat. What did he mean?  She thought for sure he'd want to see Law dead.

"My dear sweet niece tell me the real reason you've come to me after all these years?" Doflamingo inquiries.

Kanna was at a loss of words as her brain sped through many answers she could give.

"Hmmm~?" Doflamingo humms.



"I've been traveling with the Heart Pirates for awhile. I have Laws trust." Kanna paused, "I can lead him right to you."

"That is interesting information proves you can be of use but," He snickers, "You still didn't answer my question."

Doffys eyes narrowed behind his fashionable glasses.

"I already told you I want vengeance" Kanna grits her teeth and clenched her fists.

It wasn't a lie.


Deep Under the ocean a small yellow submarine glides across the ocean floor.

Inside the sub sat the crew gathering around the dinner tables, talking, making jokes, and eating.  Nothing out of the ordinary. The head of the captains table, the spot Law usually occupied, stayed empty.  It's been that way for months now.  It worried the crew but they decided their Captain needed his space to think.  Satchi looked at the other empty spot at his table where a certain blonde used to sit and smile that light-hearted smile.

He frowned, "I miss her."

Penguin looks at the spot his friend was looking at and furrows his brows, "What she did was wrong." He stabbed a piece of his food. "I mean look what she did to Captain.... We shouldn't have trusted her!" He growled stabbing another piece of his food and shoving it in his mouth.

"Um...Penguin," Satchi tried getting his friends attention but he only continued his rant.

"She ran off to God knows where without telling anyone! She broke Captains heart....." Penguin trailed off.

Bepo twitched in his seat uncomfortably.  He actually knew Kanna planned to leave but he wouldn't tell them that in fear that they might get angry at him.

"Penguin." Shachi tried getting his best friends attention.

"What?!" Penguins finally broke free of his rant and decided to pay attention to what his friend wanted.

"Look." Shachi help up a piece of paper for Penguin to look at. The Heart Pirates jaw dropped.


Law sat in his room at his desk stareing at a piece of paper with a certain blondes face printed on it.  Her golden hair still tied in a messy long braid.  Her eyes fierce with a deep frown as she crouched getting ready to peer through her scope. The photographer had cought her just before taking aim. She looked serious and almost like a compleatly different person.  Law almost didn't recognize her at first.

The Kanna he knew always held a sweet heart warming smile.

"Kanna." Law growled gritting his teeth then pinned the wanted poster to the wall with a knife.


"What?! Phantom Shot Kanna: 70,000,000 berries?!" Penguin yelled snatching the poster from Shachis hand, "What did she do to get a bounty that high?"

Shachi shrugged. He didn't know but he was in fact curious. Her bounty was higher then his now!

"I'm showing Captain." Penguin huffed and starts marching to the captian quarters.

"Hey Penguin Cap'n has mail mind delivering it to him since you're on your way?" Ben asked while handing him the envelope without waiting for a reply.

Penguin took the envelope anyways and continued marching to his Captains room. He knock one.....twice....three times before Law gave him the okay to come in.

"What is it Penguin?" Law sighs and rests his head on his palm.

Penguin swallowed suddenly losing the nerve to rant to his Captain about what Kanna did so instead he quickly hands Law the poster and envelope.

Law tossed the poster to the side and  glared at the envelope debating whether to open it now or not.

"Captain are you going to open it?" Penguin asked.

Law looked up at Penguin angerly making his subordinate shiver under his glare, "Leave."

Without thinking twice Penguin slipped out of the room.  Once the door was closed Law tore open the envelope.  Inside was a map and a letter. The map showed an island that looked to be half fire and half ice.  Law knew about this Island. It was the island Akainu fought Aokiji. The fight lated for days thus changing the climate or the island forever but why would he need a map of it?

He places the map on the table and opens the letter.

Laws mouth fell open. This letter contained very sensitive information on Doflamingo and his workings in the underground. 

Law smirked, "Joker hmm?"


Hey fellas!

I've finally got motivation to starts book two!

Updated will be slow but I'll do my best to keep you from waiting to long....loke I already have. Sorry about that!

Freedom: Finally Free (Trafalgar Law) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt