Chapter 8: The Escape from Deadly Talons

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Holy moons, everyone. Irma cut off my power. It would have been the perfect time to work, but of course writers block hit. However, I am going to try to get one of these out every other Thursday or Friday. I might not meet the deadline, but I will try to keep the schedule.

I have a strong want to allow her to do this, I SHOULD be HAPPY, but I'm not letting blood shed around me anymore.

"Scorch, stop." I yell. 

Her eyes are murderous, and her eyes are filled with tears. "You have no idea how guilty I felt when I saw him dragging you out of the cave. I been trying to find you for six years! I'm so SORRY!"  She collapses on my chest, sobbing. 

It takes me a minute to grasp what she said. "Six years? SIX?"

She nods, burying her face in shame. 

I grab her. "Lets go."

Grab your chest in your office!  My mind yelled. 

Why?  I growl. I need to protect Scorch! The best would just to leave. I step closer to Scorch, then stop. What chest?

Flashes run through my mind. A trapdoor opens in my room under my desk. The door will open when you touch it, and you want to open it. 

I growl, then relent. Okay. I sigh. "Scorch, we need to get some supplies. The only way we're going to survive is to grab supplies. Now, you do not have to follow me by guilt. You repaid your debt by rescuing me.

"However, if you still want to help, I need to get something from what I assume is my old office."

She nods, her tail dragging on the floor. My doctors instincts kick in.

"Don't do that!" I shout, and she yelps in surprise. I lower my voice, and speak calmly "Sorry, but that is extremely dangerous. Not only can people step on it, you can also severely damage the barb and make yourself sick. Here..." I say, twisting my tail into itself, and raising my tail. "Try doing this. Notice I tucked the tip of my tail into the center. Do the same." She does, as I look at it. "Almost. Remember, keep it nice and level. First with things you are comfortable with. Then try to start testing how high you can go until you can get your tail completely off the ground."

"Shockwave." She laughs nervously. "Once a doctor, always a doctor."

"Yeah." I mumble. Better not tell her of my flashback...or whatever THAT was.

Yeah, Something in my head whispers. Especially if she's like every other dragon you've met.

Hybrid Freak.

I shake my head, as I start walking to my old room. Talons click, so we hide behind a clutter of stalagtites and stalagmites. "Is there a new doctor?" I I whisper. She nods. "Her name is Iridescent, a SkyWing. I think she maybe half RainWing, because her scales seem to become different shades of red to me."

"Well, distract her for me so I can get supplies." When she goes out of our hiding spot, I grab a stalagmite, break it off, and whisper. "I enchant this stalagtite to hide me from watchful eyes. Only Scorch can see or hear me." I feel a hum, and slowly sneak off.

I would be lying if I didn't make a single noise. I tried to, but I ultimately failed. Scorch was talking to Iridescent, as I snuck in to get some supplies---like I said to her, but I also wanted to get the chest. I grabbed the supplies, like a canister of water and some berries and vegetables to eat. I put those in my pouch, while also snaking my way towards my old desk. Shoot. Iridescent has moved things around, so I had to move it. Now, a normal animus would have moved the desk with his magic. I'm hard-headed, so that was out the window for me.

Why? Why didn't I just use my animus magic?

The desk is a lot heavier than I remember, then I remember: I have been tied up for six years. I should be lucky that my muscles haven't atrophied yet. The desk creaks, almost alarming Irid, but Scorch is able to keep her attention towards her. I slowly push it to where I need it. Trapdoor is right here. I grab the chest, which is the same one from my flashback, and yank it free. I close it, and push it back, hoping it doesn't creak.

It creaks because of course it does.

Iridescent looks around, and spots her desk is out of line. I think I actually did a good job of placing things back. She makes minor adjustments, some of which is downright ridiculous. Then I realize that she has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I think of how messy I left it. Chaotic order, I called it. She must of had a field day with this room once I left.

I sneak out with my chest, and whistle at Scorch to follow me.

"How did she not see you?" She asks once were away from there.

I grab the stalagmite, and grab her. "This. This is our way out. Do you want to come with me?"

She hesitates, then nods. "If this is what we do to people who want peace, I'd hate to see what we would do if we we're violent."

"Okay. Let's go, then." I say. "No time to hesitate." I grab ahold of her talons so shes cloaked, too. "To the waterfall."

We enter the cave that leads to the waterfall. I start eating some blueberries. "Update me. What is going on?" I say, my teeth stained a light blue.

"Well, the dragonets escaped the Jade Mountain last week." Scorch sighs. "That's why Morrowseer wanted to see you. He's getting desperate."

I hear gurgling water, which means we're close. "Is Asha with them?" I ask.

She gets quiet. "Asha died just after you disappeared." Her eyes are filled with tears. "I'm sorry, Shockwave. She got attacked when she was carrying the MudWing egg."

My mind reels into itself for a moment, then I take a deep breath. Its not her fault, and getting angry right now won't solve anything.

We approach the waterfall, and I turn to her, dropping the stalagmite. "Last chance. You can come with me, or stay here and say you were an innocent bystander."

"There is no such thing." She whispers. "I'm coming with you."

I enchant my muscles to go back to the way they were. I leap, get splashed with water, and soar into the sky. She follows suit.

Okay. I think. I just got my chest. Scorch is following me, and I cannot shake this feeling of dread. I look at my wristband. This connects me to my past. But if I'm an assassin, I dont want to take it off.

Too many lives have been lost in this war.

I don't want to add to it.

Wings Of Fire:Dawn Of DarknessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon