Chapter 19

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Emma pov

" NO..NO.. THIS CANT BE HAPPENING" I screamed at the top of my lungs knocking things down from the shelf . I sat against the wall opposite the door and cried. Colbys gonna hate me . "EMMA WHAT IS GOING " he yelled banging on the door. I didn't answer I just put head on my knees and rocked back and forth .

" Emma please answer me" he said . I don't want him to be hurt by probably trying to kick the door down . " Colby" I said from the other side. " Emma what's going on " he said sounding worried. " Your gonna hate me Colby, your gonna hate me" I said crying. " Baby I love you please talk to me I just wanna help let me in " he said with a weak voice.

" I don't need help Emma " Colby said coldly. "Colby please just let me in " I cried.
End of flashback

"Emma , look if you need time I understand , but please don't do something stupid to yourself it would kill me " he said above a whisper . I unlocked the door to see Colby with tears in his eyes . " Colby.." I said hurt to see him . " Baby I was so scared that something happened to you " he said cupping my cheeks. " What's going on Emma" he said again putting a hair behind my ear.

" Colby..I'm..I'm pregnant" I said under whisper. I felt him pick my chin up " Emma why is that a bad thing , it's our baby , what else could I ask for " he said looking into my eyes. " But colby what if anyone finds out" i said as he took the pregnancy test and looked at it.

" But I'm being let out in two months ,could you not hide it and when I get out  we could live together" He said stroking my checks with his thumb. " Are you happy" I asked scared that he's not. " Baby this the best thing that has happened to me , knowing I will have a family with the person I love most" he said as he gave me a kiss on my forehead .

* Later that day

Lucy had become the next person in charge after Elizabeth greenwood left. She put out a poster looking for new people the come work and clearly her advertising worked. I walked into her office to see a girl with blue eyes and and long blonde her . She honestly looked like a Barbie and the more I looked at her the more uncomfortable I felt about myself. Insecurity flushed through my mind as I saw a perfect smile and perfect curves she honestly was beautiful. She would make someone go crazy for her.

I went to the vending machine when Lucy called . " Hey Emma" . " Hey Lucy " I said in a happy tone . " I would like you to meet our new worker ,she has worked her before but retired , I guess she's back" she said with a smile. " Hey I'm Emma "I said giving her my left arm to shake . " Oh hey , I'm Amanda "  she  said shaking my hand with her right hand .

Then it hit me , this can be good ...

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