Chapter Two

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Alex's POV

8:30 pm

Sept. 5th 2017

As I climb the 5 stories to the coop, I can barely keep mine eyes open, all I can think of is my cot, I swear it's literally calling my name. As I reach my "home"I fall on to my cot and stare through one of the many holes in the roof, up at the moon, my only constant companion (not including my sister) today it's full and slightly tinted red, beautiful. I'm staring up at the stars, thinking about how soon I'll need new shelter, with winter coming I can't keep Kate here, she'll freeze to death, maybe if I got a job at Super One, but how can I get hired with no resume- when I see a shadowy figure leap off Big Ben, It's not uncommon for hopeless people to leap to there death but instead of falling, if flew up till it crossed the moon, and a little past, in the time it takes me to blink, it disappeared!

It's 10:01, and I'm still wondering if what I saw was a dream or if the small shape had actually not only flown but had disappeared, in the blink of an eye. my eyes are getting heavy, as I remember my mom telling me stories about a paradise where you don't grow old, and every day is carefree. I turn my head and dream of days when my only worries were if my parents saw my report card or not.(I barely remember this considering it was 11 years since I've been carefree).

Paige's POV

10:12 pm

I'm laying on my soft bed, unable to sleep, the image of that beautiful girl I creepily watched all day is stuck in my head, her dark red hair , reach over to my bedside stump and grab my old pan pipes and play a soft melody, the one my dad played while my mom told me stories about pirates, love, and adventure, next thing I know my eyelids are getting heavy and I drop my pipes too tired to care I roll over and dream of tomorrow,when I get to see that girl again.

Alex's POV

Sept. 6th 8:23 am

I open my eyes and blink at the bright light streaming out of the holes in the roof, and when my eyes adjust I look over to see if Kate was up, she wasn't she had curled into a ball and was dribbling on her pillow, I smile at how cute she looks when she's asleep, no worry lines crowding her forehead, her tense shoulders relaxed, suddenly I hear a beep and I glance over at my old battered phone that I'd stolen from a highschoolers backpack, I squint to make out one word through the cracked screen, "Mom"

Lost and Found (girlxgirl)( a peter pan fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя