Chapter 5

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"Here we go..." I say, knocking on the front door.
"Coming!" Shouts someone from inside, who turns out to be Ginny. "Can we help you guys?"
"Yes, could we please speak to Molly?" Ronan says quietly.
"Yeah, come on in, she's in the kitchen."
"Thanks, Gi- thanks." As we follow Ginny into the kitchen, Ron is drooling over me, and being the overprotective brother Ronan is, he puts his arm around my waist and glares at Ron.
"Mum? People are here to see you!" Ginny says joining her brothers in the family room.
Molly turns around and takes one look at the pair of us standing awkwardly in her kitchen and bursts into tears. Taken aback, I approach her cautiously. "Molly? What's the matter? Aren't you glad to-"
"Isla? Ronan? Is it really you?" She cuts me off. "If so, does that mean... oh my poor dears!" She says embracing us tightly.
"When would you like to tell the rest of them?"
"When would work?" The sooner the better!
"Now?" Molly says glancing in between us and the living room.
"Sure..." Ronan complies.
"Okay dearies, follow me." She says, leading us into the family room, where Ginny, Ron, Charlie, and Bill are. "Oi! Where are the twins? FRED! GEORGE! DOWNSTAIRS NOW!" After which the twins appeared in the room. "Take a seat. All of you. This is Isla Beckett and her brother Ronan, and they have something to tell you."
I take a step forward, "this is going to be a huge surprise to all of you, but you know us. And we know you. To prove this, I will list one thing I know about each of you." I walk over to Ginny, "You kissed Harry Potter in your second year." Then over to Ronald. "You are bi, and were dating Viktor Krum." Next up are the twins, George first. "You never told Freddie about your first kiss." Then to Fred. "I was your first kiss, after the Yule Ball, and you never told George." Then I slipped over to Charlie. "You are engaged, but you haven't told your family." Finally Bill. "Fleur is bearing your second child, but you've only told me." I take a seat next to Bill and wait for Ronan to be done.
"Mione? Harry?" Ginny says staring at me.
"Wha- but- you- different?" Ron sputters.
"Easy for you to say, mate!" Ronan jeers.
"Cool!" Charlie says. "When did all this happen?"
"This morning." I say looking at the floor, "We found out about all of this morning."
"There's more?" Ginny says to Ronan.
"Yeah, we are purebloods, Veelas, and I wasn't supposed to fight Voldemort. Isla our parents protected her, and not me. They said it themselves."

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