Chapter 2

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Anastasia POV
I parked my car at the cafe called Mystic Grill. I thought it was a weird name but whatever. I got out and walked inside to see a cute blonde busboy cleaning off a table. He looked at me and smiled, I smiled back at him.
He walked over and said "Hi there, are you new here I never saw you before?"
"You might know my little brothers Stefan and Damon Salvatore. I'm their big sister Anastasia Salvatore," I said while smiling at him.
He looked shocked and said, "I didn't even know they had a sister let alone an older one. I thought that Damon was the oldest Salvatore."
"They never talked about me. That's weird I'll have to kick their asses when I get back to the boarding house," I said and chuckled.

I'm Matt by the way," he said holding out his hand.

I took his and shook it.
"See you around Matty," I said and with that I walked to the bar. 
I looked back at him to see him blushing and looking at the ground. I smirked and ordered a bourbon. The seat beside me moved and turned towards me. I looked to see Klaus smiling at me.
"Hello Ana," he said.
I smiled back and said "Hello Klaus."
"Why are you drinking all alone?" he asked.
"Why are you?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Well I'm waiting for my older brother. Your turn," he said.
"I don't like drinking with people especially my little brothers," I answered.
He laughed and I smiled. Someone cleared their throat behind us. I turned to see a man in a suit with brown hair and brown eyes.
"Anastasia this is my older brother Elijah​ Mikealson. Elijah this is Anastasia Salvatore, Damon and Stefan's older sister," Klaus said while Elijah took my hand and kissed the back of it like Klaus did at the boarding house.
"I didn't know they had an older sister or a sister at all," Elijah said.
"Neither did I. I meet her at the boarding house less than an hour ago," Klaus said.
I thought to myself 'Elijah's cute but not as cute as Klaus'.
"I guess they don't like to brag about having an awesome older sister," I said smiling at them.
We laughed as Elijah sat on the other side of me and ordered a bourbon.
"Tell us about yourself Anastasia," Elijah said.
"Call me Ana, Elijah. Well I'm the oldest Salvatore alive. I'm 177 years old. After our mother died when Stefan was a toddler, I had to take care of them. I'm a couple years older than Damon is. I had a twin brother but he died a year after we where born. That's really all there is to me," I finished saying.
I looked in between the two Mikealson brothers. They looked at each other then at me. I saw sympathy in their eyes.
"I'm sorry for the lose of your mother. You shouldn't have to go through something like that in your life," Klaus said.
"Thank you, Klaus. It happened years ago though. Nothing to be sad about anymore," I said smiling at Klaus.
"I should be going bye Elijah, Bye Klaus," I said tossed a 20 on the bar and walked out of the grill to my car.
I got in and stared at the steering wheel.

*Flashback begins*
"Father, where's mother?" I asked. 
"I sorry sweety but she died," my father said sadly.
I started to cry Damon came into the room.
"Ana, what's wrong?" he asked as he hugged me.
"It's mother, she died Damon. Go get Stefan for me, will you?" I asked as he let me go with tears in his eyes.
He nodded as he wiped my tears away his little thumbs. He left to get Stefan. My father hugged me as I cried into his shoulder. I thought about my mother. She had dark hair like me and green eyes. Damon and me got our fathers eyes and mothers hair. Stefan got our mothers eyes and fathers hair. Damon came back in with a two year old Stefan in his arms. I took him and decided right then that I would take care of my little brothers.
*Flashback ends*

I took a deep breath, wiped my eyes, and started my car. I saw Elijah and Klaus exit the grill they saw me and waved as I pulled away.

Klaus's POV
I saw her wipe her eyes as Elijah and I exited the grill. I thought of what she said to us in the grill about her mother and having to take care of her little brothers. We wave as she pulled away.
"Did you see her wipe her eyes, brother?" Elijah questioned me.
"Yes, I assume that you did to," I said as I made my way to my car.
"Do you think it was about her mother?" he asked me.
"I do," I answered.
We got into my car since Elijah ran here and went home to the Mikealson Mansion.

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