Devan (background)

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Full Name : Devan Marie Tertoun
Birth Parents : Jackie and William Tertoun
Birthday/age : April 3, 2003 - 14
Hair Color : Naturally blonde but currently dyed pastel unicorn colors
Eye Color : Blue
Height: 5"9
Weight : 102.9 lbs

Her life was good until the age of 8, her father was a sergeant in the Air Force but he sadly passed away while being shipped out. Once her father died her mother became very abusive and began to drink a lot and leave the house for sometimes days, and when she did come back she  would blame her fathers death on Devan. When she was 9 her 4th grade teacher saw one of Devan's bruises one day and called CPS and they arrested Devan's mom for child abuse and neglect of a minor and Devan was put into Mrs. Martin's Home for girls and has been there ever since.

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