"He'll get how you feel (Y/n), he will.." you huffed softly against his chest.

"That's what they all say..." Your voice was muffled from your head in Ren's chest, but he heard it loud and clear. You pulled away from him when you heard more footsteps, two pairs actually.

Two people turned the corner, walking towards you and Ren. One was a girl, with silver long hair, and red eyes, while the other was a boy, strawberry blonde hair, and violet eyes. Silva and Gakushu.

Silva's arms were around Gakushu's arm as they strutted towards Ren and you. You shifted your gaze away, placing a hand on the necklace that Gakushu gave you. Gakushu and Silva stopped in front of you and Ren, Ren keeping his full attention on Gakushu, though sometimes, he'd look at you to make sure you were okay.

"You ready Ren? We play in five." Gakushu looked over at you, seeing how you looked away from him. Why have you been ignoring him? Was it because of the kiss? Surely it wasn't, it didn't mean anything, right? Sure, he did feel the spark the first time he and you kissed, he couldn't help himself, he just craved it more. When he kissed you the second time, he felt like his body and mind became weightless, he felt like he was flying through the clouds, like he was on Cloud 9. He never wanted to stop the kiss, but then he remembered Silva, and remembered you were his best friend. When he pulled away, he and told you to forget it, he couldn't help but notice a pained look in your eye, was he seeing something? Ever since that kiss, he couldn't really kiss Silva that much anymore, he wanted to feel your lips against his again. He hungered them, his lips missing yours.

"(Y/n), are you okay?" Gakushu reached a hand out to you, but you moved back slightly. His hand stopped, as he retracted it back. There it was again, that pained look.

"I'm fine. You should go get ready.." you shifted your hair so it could cover your face, hearing as his, and Ren's, footsteps left.

"He'll never fall for you, get that through your thick scull. He's mine, and he always will be." Silva laughed as she walked away. You grinned slowly as she disappeared from your sight, just a bit, only a little step, you couldn't have killed her, having her blood on your hands, but you didn't.

Once your team came down from the roof, you all went to the front of the stage, watching as Gakushu and his 'friends' got on stage. They all got ready, and began to sing Immortals, by Fall Out Boy.

Honestly, Ren was a great singer, he surely out did himself. Gakushu played electric guitar, while the others played their own. To say they were good was an understatement, they were great actually. Everyone in the room cheered out, some of the E-class too.

Soon after, B class, C class, and D class went to play. After D class played, they gave you five minutes to set up, which you did. You had Irina take everyone outside, as you, and your group ran upstairs to the roof.

You pulled on your headset, with the built in microphone hooked up to it, Karma had the same thing. You made sure we had someone who knew how to play all the instruments, just in case something happened to one of the team.

After you all got set, it was E-class's turn. Someone had placed a projector against the wall of the school, a camera pointed at you and your group so everyone can see it.

You nodded towards Kayano, who started it off with the piano. Then, it was your turn.

(Play music)
(You, Karma)

What Am I To You? (Gakushu Asano x Reader) // HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now