DAY 24

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Day 24 —Write about the longest amount of time you’ve ever gone without sleeping. 


My longest day without sleeping? I remember exactly. April 18th, I went 19 hours without sleeping. (That sounds small but is only 5 hours short of a full day, so ha.) I remember this day because I have a day like this every year. It's not a day that I just decide "Hey, lets see how long I can go without sleeping!" I totally do things during these days. 

On April 18th, a Friday I woke up at 7am and went to school, then I went back to bed at 2am. Why did I stay up 19 hours? That is a great question, heres the answer: Secret Church. Secret Church is an 8 hour event of intense Bible Study. In Secret Church, you fill in 140+ pages of notes, and the speaker (David Platt) talks at a speed of 100 MPH, almost literally. 

I don't talk about my faith much in writing, and I should; heck I should talk about it more to anyone who doesn't have the same faith! So, I am going to do so, and I'll get back to the challenge also, promise. As a Christian, I am supposed to proclaim my faith on the mountaintops; but those are sort of outdated. SO, here I am; on the internet. Billions of people are on wattpad, yeah only about 6 read this challenge, but if I tell 6 people about my faith, and open the door to their possible salvation that's awesome!

You may think all of this is stupid. Guess what, I don't care! This is MY wattpad, MY story, MY life. So, if you don't like it, keep reading. This is some good stuff I want you to know, and if you don't like it, or believe it, at least I planted the seed. I tried. I don't talk enough about my relationship with a savior who loved me enough to get beaten, whipped, and humiliated. I don't talk enough about the man who carried a cross, was nailed to it, and then died on that cross, when he had done no wrong. As teenagers, we hunger for a love like that; for someone who will die for us because they have such a great love. Well, here is some news: people are selfish. No one will die such a painful death to save you. What if someone did that for you, would you just ignore them? Well guess what, someone did that for you. If you have questions about this, please ask me in comments, or you can email me, just ask for that. 

Anyways, after that short blurb: The days I go without sleeping are always good days, always days that remind me of what I do. Even when I dont sleep at night, when I am up writing; that's amazing. Without sleep, you become a little crazy, and like I've said before (in the day about ghosts) crazy people are awesome.Thanks for reading my writing, even if this is the last day you ever do. I'm not that sorry I went away from the challenge today. 

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