Lowe finished writing something in a notebook before joking around, "Come to see me again, Stacey?"

"Very funny Mr Lowe," Murdoch said, approaching us. "Do you miss me that much already Stacey? I only saw you last night." He was playing around, too, a smile forming on the corners of his mouth.

"Is it gang up on Stacey day?" I asked.

"No," Murdoch replied, as I followed him through the wheelhouse and to his usual lookout spot, where he spent the days gazing out to the ocean. The bow glimmered against the sparkle of the water. It was truly a wonderful sight. No matter how many times I came up here, I wouldn't get sick of the the view. Although, I don't know what Murdoch felt.

"And of course I miss you," I replied. "This is the closest we've been together for a few weeks, and the most time we've spent together as well."

"It's all good Stacey," Murdoch said, putting his arm around me and pulling me close. "I'm just teasing you."

I put my arm around him and we stood there for a moment.

"Aw, aren't you two cute?" another officer snickered from behind us.

"Yes, Mr Moody?" Murdoch asked. He could tell who the officer behind us was just by their voice.

"It's different to see you as a family man," Moody commented. "Every time I've worked with him you've always been so serious."

"I've been at this job for sixteen years, Mr Moody," said Murdoch. "I can do two things at once. Right now, it's a smooth sail. Nothing out there to harm us at the moment. During the night is where the watch is more critical."

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"What's wrong, Stacey?" he asked, noticing my seriousness.

"I'm thinking about telling Joe the truth," I said. "It's been really hard and I hate lying. It's been days and he hasn't left me alone. I really want to enjoy my time on the Titanic and not have to spent it worrying and hiding."

He thought about what I said for a moment. Finally, he said, "Do what you feel is right, Stacey. If he leaves you, that's his loss. If he can't accept you for who you are, then there wouldn't be any hope of continuing a friendship between you two. And don't you have a couple friends back in Southampton that did accept that?"

"Yes," I replied. "Irene and Grace. Joe does seem pretty adamant about what happened on the Olympic, but I get the point you're saying."

"Good girl, Stacey," he said. "Remember, it is your life. He can't control you."

"You're the best," I said, giving him another hug. "I don't know what I would do without you."

For a few moments, we stood on the bridge and watch the world before us. The endless blue water before us, the people on the bow minding their own business. I alerted my attention to a specific individual on the point of the bow. I squinted my eyes and thought it was Joe. It looked like him from when I saw him before.

Just like if he eyes in the back of his head, he turned around and faced the bridge. I quickly ducked to the ground. There was a solid wall surrounding the bridge. He couldn't see me. Joe hadn't seen me today, so he didn't know what I was dressed in, I was unrecognisable to him. But if he had recognised me on the bridge next to Murdoch, he would figure everything out if he saw me again today.

"What are you doing down there Stacey?" Murdoch asked, looking down at me with a confused look on his face.

"Is he still looking?" I asked. "Joe's on the point of the bow."

"No he's not," he said. "He's turned back around. You can stand up now."

I cautiously stood up, peeking over the wall before fully standing up. Joe was still there he had just turned around. "I think that's him. I haven't seen him today yet. I didn't want him to see us together until I got a chance to explain everything to him."

"I see," said Murdoch. "When are you thinking of telling him."

"Maybe tonight if the time is right," I replied. "But if not, then I will tomorrow."

"Mr Murdoch!" another officer called out. "The captain wants to see you in the sitting room at the officer's quarters."

"Yes Mr Lowe," Murdoch replied. He looked back at me. "I'm sorry, I need to go now Stacey."

"Don't apologise," I said. "It's all good, I know you have a job to do. I'll see you later tonight."

"It's either going to have to be before or after the dining saloon serves dinner as I'm at the Captain's table again tonight with the wealthy men," he said. "See you later."

"Bye," I said.

"Is is tough for you, Stacey?" Lowe asked. "I'm not married, nor I have any children."

"Yes, it is," I admitted. "I get that he has to work, but it feels normal to spend time with him again, and then he gets called away. But we have our family holiday in New York after this voyage is over."

"The return voyage of Titanic is on the twentieth of April," said Lowe. "Obviously you're not going to be on it, and neither is Mr Murdoch. How will your family get back to Southampton?"

"Maybe on Titanic, maybe on Olympic," I replied. "We're not entirely sure yet. Whichever one is in New York when we want to leave."

Down on the bow, I saw Joe turn around again. This time I could definitely tell it was him. At least I was with a different officer this time and not with Murdoch. His eyes were focused on me as he processed the new information he was seeing. Oh, he was going to be confused.

"Anyway, I'll let you get back to work," I said. "I'll see you later Mr Lowe."

I quickly walked through the wheelhouse and down the stairs of the bridge and along the side of the Titanic until I reached the deck on the stern. Puffing slightly, I leant against the rails to catch my breath.

I heard footsteps approaching me from behind. When they stopped beside me, I knew exactly who they belonged to. 

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Hope you guys liked Chapter 10 of Ice & Iron. Bit of a quiet chapter, but there will be plenty happening soon to make up for that! Also you can ask me any questions regarding anything also in the comments or shoot me a message and I will answer!

Chapter 11 Preview: Things escalate between Stacey and Joe...for now 

Question of the Day: Does anyone even read these? 

I'll post the next chapter update on Monday 4th September. Thanks for reading!

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Ice & Iron (Titanic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora