The houses role in a family

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May I just say.....


25k?! Jesus Christ!! 

Hope you all are ready to...

Dab in them haters *dabs*

Kill me please..

Anywaaaaays... You all seemed to really like the last chapter..

You psychopaths..

And for this chapter, I'm saying this would be your houses role, not necessarily yours so just chill, mmmkay? Mmmkay.

Hufflepuff: The second-to-youngest or the "Peace-Keeper."

Though they try to keep the peace in the household, it can be a bit hard for them sometimes, especially when the Slytherin and Gryffindor are at each others throats all the time. They can begin to feel like the world is out to get them and that their family hates them if not shown the proper love they deserve. 

Gryffindor: The youngest or "Mommy's favorite."

 The one everyone secretly wishes they could be because life seems to be easier when you don't have many responsibilities and you can just take it one step at a time. People are often jealous that the Gryffindor has their life set out for them without having to do much work. This especially angers the Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

Ravenclaw: The Oldest or the "Know-it-all."

 This is the person that everyone openly wishes they could be and for good reason! The Ravenclaw totally has its life figured out ever since dropping that emo phase they went through in middle school... Those were dark times.. very dark times..

Slytherin: The second-to-oldest or the "Scrappy one."

 Always boasts about themselves and gets into fights with the others but nobody really understands why. Although they'd never admit it, they are very jealous of their siblings and thinks that they go unnoticed a lot of the time so they try to get attention whatever way they can. Also, they just don't like the Gryffindor to put it simply.

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