Chapter 1: Applying at Buzzfeed Motion Pictures

Start from the beginning

I entered the room that had a Bold font name, "Jonah". The atmosphere was really nice in it.

"Hey Layna!" He must be Jonah.

"Liana." I corrected once again.

"Right. Anyways, Welcome to our community Liana Marquez, I am Jonah the head producer of BuzzFeed. And I am assigning you to be the first female in the Try Guys." Jonah smiled. "So, you will be sitting between Ned and Zach." He added (A/N, this may change. My memory of actually writing this is foggy). I stayed weirdly silent.

"Since "The Try Guys" wont work for this group anymore, I would like you to work on changing the name." He explained.

"Will 'the try guys and the little one' work?" I ask suggestively

"Of course! Not much change, but it's better that way!" He smiled, I nodded.

"Ms. Marquez, welcome to BuzzFeed, I will probably see you around. I'll send you an E-mail for rules and regulations here at the office. And the guys you're working with may or may not give you some directions as well. Any ideas on videos will be given to the main guys, so feel free to hand them some of your ideas." He says while leading me out the door.

"Thank you." You could've done better than just saying "Thank you", Liana. I count the desk numbers, and went to my designated seat. The try guys walked past me as I entered the aisle my seat was supposed to be in. My name was written on a sticky note stuck to the corner of the desk, so it was easily known to be mine. I started to arrange my desk.

Eugene's POV

Today is another day of buzzfeed. I was sitting down in my desk, editing one of our videos, when I received a message from Quinta. She is asking me to get her drink for her. I sighed, stood up, and walked towards the entrance of the office. A gal bumped into me, and spilled warm drink on me.

The person frantically wiped my arm.

"Watch it." I barked.

"I'm so sorry." She apologized

"Apology accepted." I meant for that to sound genuine, but oh well.

I recognized her by face, and name. But got politely corrected on the pronunciation. She apologized once more and left. Leaving me thinking why I stood up in the first place...

I got an E-mail from our boss saying something about us Try guys having a short meeting in his room. We walked past her, and the other guys just talked, ignoring the new girl.

~In the office~

"Why did you call us?" I asked

"Well, there is someone new, who I think will fit your categories, with trying a lot of new genres and activities." Jonah explains.

"Liana?" I unconsciously announce

"Yes, I assume some of you met her already." Jonah responds.

"She will be in videos with you guys, which means the name for the group will change."

"Whats the name gonna be?" Confused Keith asks

"The Try Guys and The Little One." Jonah announces.


We got dismissed and walked backed to our desk finding Liana's desk arranged and clean. I'm pretty much over with the day, so why not go to the kitchen where there was snacks and drinks are?

I stumble upon Liana's conversation with Ashley and Quinta, "It's Friday today, so do you guys wanna come over and have a gal's night, or just get to know each other?"

"Nope, I'll get a bad hungover" Quinta complains.

"Well we don't have to drink anything." Liana giggles.

Liana's POV

After a quick arrangement of my desk, I sat there with my head against the desk, bored, so I decided to get a bottle of water in the kitchen. Whilst washing my hands, I felt someone tap my shoulder.

I saw Ashley and Quinta behind me smiling, I shyly waved at them.

"Hey! You must Liana, the new gal."

"I'm a big fan! Holy crap, it's you guys, I've been watching y'all's videos since, you guys existed." You stated.

"So, why BuzzFeed?" Ashley asks.

"I just wanted to start something new in my life, other than staying home, and laying there, bored." You reasoned, we talked for another minute or so, before Ashley butted in with a:

"We should get back to work."

Since I still wanted to talk with them more, I invited them to my home, while doing so, I saw Eugene walking over to the refrigerator to get a water bottle.

"I don't want to drink though, I'll get a bad hungover" Quinta says "We don't have to drink any alcohol...Ashley?"

"Yeah, of course we'll go." Ashley nodded.

Then Ashley suddenly turned to Eugene behind her "How bout you Eugene? wanna come? you can bring The guys if you want...I'm sure Liana wont mind" Ashley points

"I said gals night, but sure, it can be a 'get to know each other night'." I shrugged sarcastically.

"Yea sure, I'm in if the boys or others like Andrew will come." Eugene shrugged.

"Be there by 7:00 or I'll shut the gates on y'all" I threatened

"I'll make sure I'll be there by 7:00 pm then" Eugene says calmly.

I gave him the address and walked back to our designated desks.

~To be Continued brought to you by the busy first day of work~

A/N I'm finally starting to edit these shite😅👌🏻

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