Chapter 2

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"Hey Ni... can you go pick up some groceries?"

"Louuuuu. Why can't you"

Louis sighed

"My sister is coming over in 15 minutes and I need to be here for when she gets here"

"Fine... you owe me"

"Thanks Ni" Louis replied

Niall got ready and drove to their local grocery store. There was a list that was given to Niall by Louis. It was just very casual groceries so Niall shouldn't be here for to long.
Niall was about to walk into the the grocery store until he saw one of his well... booty calls.

"Hey Niall"


"My names Selena. Gosh Niall you always forget my name. Oh well your just being silly."

Niall laughed it off and just stood there awkwardly

"So Niall... wanna hang out soon?"

"I would Selena but I have to get back to my flat"

"But Niall... its been a week since we did it I'm feeling a bit on edge"

Niall was getting annoyed

"Well go find someone. Its not like your my only girl".

She was kinda offended but couldn't really complain because they weren't dating or anything

"Ohh... uhm well okay. I'll see you around?"

"Yeah sure" Niall replied

The thing that made it awkward between Niall and Selena was that they had been friends since they were younger. About  3rd grade is when they became friends and now that they had left school is when they actually tried making things happen but Niall was more interested in sex and she was a bit more romantically involved. It just wouldn't work.

Niall was walking around the super market and as he turned the Isle he bumped into someone

"Oh shit sor..."

Niall looked up and realised it was Zayn.

"Oh it's just you"

"Come on man... at least apologise for bumping into me" Zayn said

Niall scoffed

"Sorry" he eventually said

They both awkwardly looked at each other.

"Well bye Malik"

"Hey Horan... are you gonna be at the party on the weekend?"

"Ugh yeah... it's at my flat"

Zayn laughed but Niall wasn't that amused

"Oh come on Horan lighten up. Stop being so up your self"

"Me?.. up myself?.."

Niall was about to start a full on argument with Zayn.

"Your the only one who's fucking up yourself Malik"

"Fuck it... I'm out" Zayn replied


Niall finished of his groceries and was done with that.


"You will never guess who I saw at the store today." Niall said as he got home and saw Louis

"Selena?" Louis replied

"Well yes but that's now who I was gonna say... fucking Malik"

"Oh Niall stop it. its starting to get very petty"

Niall sighed and decided to change that topic.

"How did you know about Selena?"

"I guessed" Louis replied

"Bull" Niall said

"Fine... she came over"

"Why the fuck did she come over for?"

Louis sighed

"Niall I generally think she likes you... like I feel that she wants something more then just sex. Niall I think you should stop having sex with her if you don't have any intentions with her"

"Yeah your right Lo. I don't want to be romantically involved with her she just isn't the type of person I'd... date" Niall replied

"Yeah agree" Louis said

Louis got a buzz from his phone

"Oh it's Zayn... he wants to hang out"

"Oh cool... I can watch a movie or something"

"Actually he invited you as well"

Niall thought that was weird. Why would Zayn invite him out?

"Well... sorry I'm busy because I wanna watch the movie I got"

"C'mon Niall he's trying to become friends"

"Sorry Lo... maybe next time"

Louis sighed


Louis got changed and ready to go hang  out with Zayn while Niall stayed at home and watched a movie.


Sorry for the short chapter. Vote comment and follow ❤️ comment some think to make my day and comment what you think is gonna happen 👏🏻

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