The Boy

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The Boy 

Who sits in a world of darkness

for there is no lighted beamed upon him.

Then a glare

Cuts through the maze of shadows

And blinds him.

The Boy

Is confused and blinking.

A light has found him.

He calls it beautiful

the world calls it love

Love of a girl at work.

The Boy

now has a reason,

A reason to arrive early each day

The Girl is quiet

She is happy like the sun

She warms The Boy just like the sun too.

The Boy

Can not keep it all inside.

The new light

Wants to pour out.

But he has no money or flowers

Nor has he an artist's fine skill.

The Boy

Has but one option left.

The paper his canvas,

The pen his brush and paint.

He wants 

To say so much.

The Boy

Puts his words down.

Words of his little time in the light.

They are short and small.

He stumbles through his words

Like a child learning to walk.

The Boy

Looks at his work

And feels it is childish.

Yet he hands The Girl

This shyly painted rose

And she smiles.

Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't written in a while, I've been traveling around Germany and I had no wifi or data for a while. This poem is actually about one of my real friends, and any of you who have started ready my other book might recognize the tittle of this poem. The book is about the world of The Boy, so please check it out. Thanks guys!!!

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