chapter 13

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Oh no.

Great this had to happen now.It's a week after the barbecue and i am on my way home from the university when i my car has got a flat tire.I know how to change it Warner had thought me how to do so but when i see that my that my spare one is also flat(i always forget to to take it to the shop and only remember when i need it).I decide to call Austin and tell him to send someone to pick me as it's only 3 o'clock and he must be working.I call Austin's number and it rings and i think he is not going to pick up because it rings for a long time but he picks up when i am about to hang up ' Hey' he voice comes a little hushed as though he is trying to to be quiet.

'Hi i have a flat tire ..' before i can complete the sentence he says 'Where are you ?' he asks .I tell him where i am and say 'could you please send someone to pick me up' .

'I will be there in fifteen minutes stay in the car' he says and hangs up before i can say anything else.

After ten minutes i hear the sound of a car approaching and get out of the car.The car comes to stop and Austin comes out of the drivers seat and as he makes his way towards me he looks both concerned and angry.Another car comes to stop behind Austin but he does not bother to look back he looking at me.He comes to a stop in front of me and says 'I told you to stay in the car .'

'I was in the car until i heard your car approaching.' i say.

'And how do you know it was my car that was coming down the road huh for all i could be some crazy murderer or some creep' he says in a hard voice.    

"But you are not " I say cause really what kind of murderer would come out in this kind of heat.   

 "You are the most beautifully stubborn woman I know" he says while shaking his head.Then he turns around and motions for the person sitting in the car behind him who come as out when he says Austin hand.Austin tells me that the man his head of security Zack and then turns towards him and says "Call a tow truck and take care of my wife's car.The man who looks like he is a linebacker nods his head and pulls out his phone.

Austin takes my hand in his and leads me towards his car and helps me in the passenger seat and then get in the drivers .He starts to drive and his phone rings but he ignores it after a minute it starts ringing again but still he ignores it."Why are you not picking it up." I ask .

" I don't want to." He says with a shrug.

" Um are you angry with me." I ask because it feels like he is.

"No Bri I am not angry with you." he says .

"Then what is it why do you look mad." I question.

 He does not respond for a moment then he says "Did you really think that if you were in any kind of problem that I would not come as soon as I know." 

"No Austin that's not it.i knew you were busy with work and so I did not want to disturb you." I explain as I know his work is important. 

" I don't give a damn not matter what I am in the middle of even his goddamn world peace talk if you need me I will be there." He says in voice full of conviction.My heart beats a little fast hearing him say after all there is one thing we all want and that is one person who is willing to come to at a moment of need no matter what happens. 

"I know that but it was just a flat tire and you could have sent anyone to pick me up" I say. 

'No i could not just send anyone to pick you up none of that stuff matters.You are what matters you are what's important Bri' he says with voice that is filled emotion. It is in that moment that i realise that i am a little in love with this how could i not be.I was not important to my father or my mother and that made feel unloved and unwanted but this man who i have known for a little amount of time says that i am important and that matter enough that he would drop anything and everything just because i need him.

'Thanks for caring Austin.' i say my voice sound choked.

'You don't need to thank me for anything babe.' he says and links his fingers with mine.

His phone which has been ringing constantly since that conversation started lights up again and i can't take i anymore and say 'please for the love of all that's holy pick up your damn phone.' 

'ok' he says and pushes the button and a man's voice fills the car that says 'Mr hamilton you four o'clock meeting is about to start.' 

'I told you to cancel all my meetings for the day when i left or did i not? ' Austin questions.

'Yes sir you did but the client for the four o'clock meeting Mr Adams says that if we don't have the meeting today than he will not do business with us' his secretary explains with hesitation.

'That's ok tell them that we are sorry and i they don't want to do business with us then it's up to them.' Austin says not looking at least bit concerned that he is about to lose business.

'ok sir' he secretary says and then hangs up.

I turn towards him and ' you see this is why i didn't want to disturb you from you work.' i say because i feel guilty.

'Just let it go babe ' he says with a smile on his face.


it's been two days since the whole flat tire incident. and i sunday i have just woken up but Bri is still asleep.When Bri had called me in the middle of the day which she never does that first thought that came to mind was that something had happened to my mother but then when i picked up and she told me that she has got a flat tire the only thought that had come to my mind that i need to be with her.That's it.So i did that and left the office at that very second but when i was there she told me that she did not want to become a hindrance with my work but she really does not know how i feel about her otherwise she would have know that there was no other place i would rather be .

I go to kitchen and make coffee and fill up a cup and go to the backyard.After half an hour Bri comes down and says ' good morning' .

'Good morning'.i reply .

'Get ready in hour i am taking you out.' she says.

'where?' i question.

'Somewhere.' she sasses back.

' Where somewhere.' i ask again.You see i am one of those people who like to know in advance about things other wise i feel like i can't control it.

'Are you getting ready or not .' she asks with raised eyebrows and i know no matter how many times i ask she is not going to tell me so i nod and grumble 'yeah give me an half an hour.'

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