bonus | 02

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Jonah | Elena
Sera | Jules

Sera, Jules, Willow and Rowan were at the Jelenah house for lunch and all was going well until Jonah couldn't open the jar with pickled onions in it.




"I need help."

Sera snorted.

"Aha. Finally the idiot asks for help." she said while Jonah glared at her.

"Yeah right. Whose help did you need to get to the hospital when Rowan was born?"

"Elena's and plus, I couldn't control it. Rowan decided to and so he did."

"Did what?" asked a small voice and the pair turned to see Rowan standing there with a cookie in his hand.

"Be born, little nephew."

Rowan wrinkled his nose at Jonah and sat on the counter. Rowan looked uncannily like Sera except he had his father's dishevelled blond hair and facial structure and for a seven year old, he was handsome.

"Touché big sis." he muttered which made Sera grin at him.

And then Elena came into the kitchen with Willow in tow.

"You called?"

"Yeah, open the jar of pickled onions. It's stuck and I need to get the chicken out of the oven." he said as he passed over the jar.

Elena raised an eyebrow at Jonah who was cutting up the chicken as she popped the jar open with ease.

"There you go."

"Oh, can you empty it into the dish and separate the onions for the salad. This chicken is a tough one."

"But, I'm stronger than that chicken. Look at these beautiful muscles." came Jules' voice as he walked in with a shopping bag.

"Lies. What muscles?"

"Look at my abs."

"You mean your imaginary ones?"

"They exist alright."

"Sure they do."

And they continued to banter until Elena dropped her fork, gasped and took a step back.

"What?" asked a confused Jonah.

"There's a ring. In the pickled onions."

She had raised her hands over her mouth and looked at Jonah, who was on one knee, in disbelief.

"Yeah, I've waited a long time to do this but it's time. Elena Amelia Reynolds, will you marry me?"

There was a moment of silence (even from Willow and Rowan) until she screamed.

"YES! I WILL!" and after Jonah had slid on the ring with a diamond on it, she bent down and kissed him which made Rowan and Willow scream "Ew!"



reaking away from the kiss, the pair grinned at each other and continued to cook while glancing at each other from time to time and Sera couldn't help look at Jules and smile. They were so cute and Sera was happy that they had finally found their happy ever after.

A/N: HELLO! HOW ARE YOU ALL DOING? PO just hit 1K votes and over 8K reads along with #20 in SS! THANK YOU SO MUCH!❤

Question: What kind of place would you like to live in?

Don't forget to vote, comment and share!

Until next time!

Pickled OnionsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora