liam: camping

zayn m: wtf

liam: yeah lmao he left last night but I was like fuck that I'm not camping in this hot ass weather 😬😬

zayn m: okay

zayn m: who'd he go with lol I've been texting him all this morning and he's not replied

liam: well I doubt he has cell service where he's at

liam: idk who he all went but I know niall za and reece were with him

zayn m: fucking hell does he ever just chill at home 🙄

liam: lmao nah you know that boy can't sit still

zayn m: why'd they even go camping wtf

liam: idk his friend Johnny ? mentioned he was going and justin wanted to tag along so

zayn m: when is he getting back?

liam: idk zayn I'm not his mother 🙄

liam: it was all last minute so I doubt they'll be there long tbh

liam: also I'm pretty sure justin has a job interview in three days so

zayn m: wait wtf what

zayn m: he's getting a job??? 😅

zayn m: wtf ? why did he get cut off

liam: no

liam: I think he just wants a job idk why he's getting one

zayn m: right well if you hear from him tell him to text me

liam: k

zayn m: wait

zayn m: which one is reece ? I've never heard that name before lol

liam: 👀 why do you need to know who that is 😂

zayn m: it's just a fucking question

liam: ok

liam: Reece is our next door neighbor he moved in when we were all away

zayn m: and Justin's already bff's with him ? Lmao it's been like two weeks

liam: 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ justin gets along with everyone easily so

liam: 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ justin gets along with everyone easily so

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