Unexpected Land Part 6

Start from the beginning

"That's a nice name. It suites you very much. Why is it you are with a group, with dwarves?" He asked carefully not wanting to hurt me.

"I met them midway of my travels. Stopping in the shire, I met a friend of mine there, I stayed there for the night." I breathed.

"Traveling..., all by yourself? You must be brave."

I looked up at the side of his face. "...I had no choice. It was either live or die."

At this the elf flinched, his emerald eyes gazed at me. His hands was folded behind his back, not sure how to reply. " I met a human once...., if you could call it that. But before I knew it, she had vanished. Never seen her once."

I tilted my head at his words. Did he mean me? "I..I'm sorry..." I took another step, trying to keep up with his longer legs. Just I was going to speak, he slowed down. "She fell, from the bridge. I only caught part of it since I was on duty." He gripped his fist. Still not looking at me.

"It was terrible, not being able to help. Even if I was a second sooner I could've kept her from falling." He seemed to sad, it stung hearing this. ' I-it was me....IT WAS ME!' I yelled at myself.

That day someone also cared, I was so new to the world. 'I can't believe it...., he actually feels bad about it? he had no control over it. It was my stupid mistake.'

We were getting really close to the dining area. It would only be past the wall at this point.

"All I wish to know, is if...she made it out alright. I would not wish to anyone in any race, to fall from that height."

I stopped. Trying to breath. He took notice of this, stopping also only to look back at me. I was two steps away from them now. I could hear Kili' voice, mixed with Fili's whisper.

"Something the matter? Are you feeling unwell?" The elf looked at me concerned. I gripped my jacket knowing I couldn't hide it anymore.

"She is alright." The elf looked towards me fully in shock now. "I was the one." I stated with fire in my eyes.

He drew back in shock, as I stepped out into the open with a slight smile. "Thank you...." I whispered. He wanted to reach out to me, stop me from leaving. Still his hand just held the air, with his wide emerald eyes watching me as I went to meet my friends.

Till Suddenly I felt my heart sink right on spot. 'OH no!! There all there!!!' Now I had to face them looking at me, and where to sit.

'G-great..., just great..'

My eyes landed on Bilbo eating his fill, with Fili sitting next to him at one table. While Kili was at the far other table. To me I found it strange why that was. The brothers usually stayed together, or maybe this was Gandalf's way of keeping them out of trouble.

Feeling eyes lands on me, I just walked. Elf, and dwarf both looking at me, along with a wizard soon enough. The flute was being played by a she-elf, while another played the harp. A male elf walked slowly around playing his instrument also. He was dressed in green, and had long brown hair, with to fishtails braided strands in the front of his ears, with a small tiara also on his head.

Gandalf sat with Elrond at a table, with Lindir standing by a statue quietly. Thorin was also at the table. 'W-where am I gonna sit???' Everything looked soo full, and the food, looked so good suddenly. It was soo long since I ate, I needed to keep up a better way of eating for the sake of me on this quest, and health.

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