Chapter 9

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Taylor woke up the next morning to find Natalie packing.

"Why the hell are you doing that?" he asked, still half asleep.

"I'm going to visit with my parents and my friends. I made the arrangements yesterday."

"When are you coming back?"

"I don't know. Not any time soon. I just am so sick of you. If only all those bitches of girls that call themselves your fans would know how you really are, they wouldn't swoon over you. They'd be kicking your ass."

Taylor was fully awake by now and mad,"Well, you know what they think of you? They think YOU'RE the bitch. And I'm starting to agree with them."

"Fuck off Taylor. You're lucky to have me. I could've had anyone I wanted, but no. I married you."

"Well, don't think I feel blessed to be married to you. I'm glad you're leaving."

Natalie grew flaming red mad, but didn't say anything. She gave Taylor a look that could kill, then finished packing. Then she huffed downstairs.

"Thank you God," Taylor muttered,"I'll finally have some peace and quiet."

Natalie came back upstairs a couple minutes later to gather her things,"Now you can spend all the time you want with that little slut, what's her name?"

"You better not be talking about Melanie," Taylor grew steaming mad.

"So that's her name. The one you left with at the restaurant."

"She is my best friend. I've known her since I was five. She is not a slut! Unlike you."

With that, he went into the bathroom, leaving Natalie furious.

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