"Me and my roommate got in an arguement, so I need a place to stay." He began, and you already knew you couldn't let him stay. You didn't want him here, what if he steals your stuff?? Or starts being weird and touches you??

"No." You snapped, getting ready to walk away before Andrew grabbed your wrist. "Just for tonight. Please?" He looked you in the eye. You had to say no. You were pretty sure he didn't even HAVE a roommate..

"I thought you lived by yourself.." You said accusingly, staring him in the eye. "He moved in last month." He said through clenched teeth, trying to convice you. You looked for the lack of truth in his eyes, but couldn't find any.

You let out a sigh, pushing your paranoia away. Andrew was a good guy, sure he was weird as hell, but he wouldn't do anything to harm you. Right?

"Fuck up once and your out." You grumbled, before he sprang to his feet and hugged you a little too tightly. "Oh thank you (Y/N)!" He exclaimed, hugging you longer than necessary.

You were both in uncomfortable silence as he made some sniffling noises. Was he.. Sniffing your hair...??

You fake coughed a bit to get his attention, before pushing him away. "Well I'm gonna go make some proper breakfast.. Make yourself at home I guess.." You mumbled, to which he gave you a confused look.

"Breakfast?? Its 2 P.M!" He snapped jokingly. Oh fuck how long were you asleep?? Granted you had slept at about 2:30 last night..

You stumbled on your words for a bit before answering him. "Lunch then!" You sighed, opening your fridge to find food.


The day had been fan-fucking-fastic.

Andrew basically followed you around like a lost puppy asking dumb questions. Though it bothered you to no end, you didn't show your annoyance out of politeness.

Currently you were tossing and turning in bed, dreading sleep. You didn't want another dream, you didn't to see him.

Your eyelids felt heavy as sound became drowned out as you fell into a deep slumber, unaware of the shuffling outside your door.


It was dark. So dark you couldnt see anything. Cold wind passed through you and you were only wearing some basketball shorts that barley covered your bottom, a bra, and a (favorite color) jacket. You quickly pulled the sleeves down so they would cover your arms and flipped the hood over your head for warmth. You tried getting your eyes to adjust to the darkness but to no avail.

"H-hello??" You called out, trying to find something. All you could hear was the distant sound of water splashing against the rocks.

Follow the water.

You were sure it wasn't outloud. It had to have been in your head, there was no echo or sense of direction. The voice seemed to be your own, but.. Different?

You didn't question it as you followed the sound of water, quickly finding your toes being splashed with cold water.

Was this the only direction you could go?

You kept walking forward, soon then water reaching your shoulders. You had to keep your arms out of the water to keep moving.

You didn't know what you were walking on, but it felt soft and squishy, and flakey.

You could only hope it was moss or mud.

Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed both your ankles, and it didn't seem to care about being gentle, since its nails were digging into your skin. A scream escaped your lips as you tried to use your hands to get free, only for those to be grabbed and pulled down to.

Red (Yandere! Demon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now