I'll Put Him on my To-Do List - Sterek

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He looked away, his cheeks heating up and he hoped that Derek didn’t see that much.

“Alright, we need a screen name. Any ideas?” Cora asked.

“How about just my name?” Stiles offered.

“What, just ‘Stiles’?” Cora asked.

Stiles shrugged, “yeah, or my last name.”

“How about skinny and defenceless? Think you could fit that in somewhere?” Derek said.

Cora’s mouth dropped and she laughed. “I would not take that; you should totally kick his ass.”

“I’ll put him on my to-do-list.” Stiles said, not realising the innuendo until the words were all but out of his mouth.

He looked up at Derek from the corner of his eye and he grinned even wider, nodding to himself with a small chuckle. “I look forward to it.” He said.

“Alright, Stilinski it is, and if you’re so smart shit-head what’s yours?” Cora asked Derek, completely oblivious to all the tension in the room.

He smirked and raised an eyebrow. “Alpha twenty-four.” He said as he left the door way and headed off out the hall.

“Jesus, he’s a cocky shit isn’t he?” She said.

Stiles nodded, his brain too tied up in going over the screen name again and again in his head.

That night he had an hour long session getting used to this new – and for the most part stupid – app with Cora. She was sending him pictures of their new dog and her mother looking confused and even one of the top of Derek’s head.

“Yeah this is definitely ridiculous.” He said to himself, collapsing back on his bed.

He heard that stupid Snapchat ping and groaned, wondering when Cora was going to give it up and stop spamming him with stupid nothing pictures. Only it wasn’t from Cora, it was an invite from someone called ‘alpha24’.

He could not press that accept button faster.

A few seconds later he got another ping and held down that message for the whole seven seconds. It was a picture of Derek’s face, looking a little drowsy and his hair was sticking up in a multitude of directions. The caption read “on your list huh?”.

Stiles quickly snapped a pic of his open window and sent it along with the caption “thought you forgot bout me”. He was cursing himself for the way his body was reacting already.

A few moments later he got a blurry snap of Derek’s bare feet. “show your face

“My face? Why do you…” He groaned and turned the camera to reverse and lay his head down on the pillow, only capturing half of it in the frame.

He didn’t caption it and just waited for a reply, when it came it was Derek in virtually the same position. The caption made Stiles narrow his eyes. “wait, who are you?

It was barely thirty seconds later when he got a three second video clip of Derek winking with half a chuckle tagged on the end. Fuck, how did he do that? How did he make everything sexy as hell? Stiles thought.

He had another thought – a completely crazy and never-going-to-happen thought. He hadn’t dressed out of his jeans yet and snapped a picture of the top of his thigh, up and over his belt and the bottom portion of his t-shirt clad stomach. “jog your memory?”

He stared down at it for what had to be close to a minute before hovering his finger over the send icon and closing his eyes tight and giving it a little tap. Holy shit, what have I done? He thought.

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