"The Entrance Hall? Where are we going?"

"Outside. It's supposed to be a really nice day tomorrow. Muggle weather predictions and stuff—ya know."

"You have an interest in muggles?" Belle raised and eyebrow. She thought it was awesome if Aiden was interested in muggles, especially with his background of biased pureblooded parents. She had assumed before that he would follow suit in his brother's dark arts footsteps, but it seemed as if she had been mistaken.

"Sorta—don't tell anyone though, alright? I'd be disowned if any of my family found out..."

Belle nodded, frowning. "I think it's lovely."

His face flushed and he grinned, standing from the table. "Thanks, Belle. See you tomorrow!"

"Bye Aiden."

She watched him leave the library, her mind racing with thoughts on what just happened. What was the meaning by him asking her to hang out? Did he mean it romantically? Or did he just want to be friends? Was he being honest with liking muggles or was he just doing it to fool her? Belle wasn't sure what to believe or think, and so she decided to not think at all. She tried to turn back to her book again but someone else cut into her line of sight.

"What was that?" Rose grinned, taking Aiden's previous seat.

"What do you mean?"

"Aiden Roulle? What did he have to say?"

Belle shrugged, "He asked me to hang out with him tomorrow."

"Alone?" She gasped. "Just you two?"

"Uh, yea, I guess. It doesn't mean anything Rose."

"Uh—yea it does. He's totally into you."

Belle rolled her eyes. Before all of the Sirius Black drama had broken out, Rose had firmly believed that any guy that approached them was interested in them, though they clearly weren't. Lily actually slapped Rose when she insisted that Nikolaus Scamander had wanted in her pants.

"No, and after tomorrow it'll still be the same, alright? He probably just wants to work on Runes homework or something..."

"Wanna bet?"


"Why not?"

"The last time I placed a bet with you, you lost and threw a temper tantrum until I let you call off the bet." She huffed, "I'm not going through that again."

"Whatever, he's still into you."


— — — — —

Belle straightened her clothes in the mirror, playing around with her hair until it settled right. She didn't know why she was trying so hard when they were just going to hang out; maybe Rose's silly ideas were finally corrupting her too. After finally settling on a good enough hairstyle, she grabbed her bag and carefully skipped down the stairs. She'd been in a good mood all morning, which was pointed out by Rose multiple times, but Belle just assumed it was the beautiful weather. She had woken up to sunny beams of light and a calm wind blowing into their window, an unusual sight for late October. In just over a month and a half they'd be traveling home for Christmas and then third year would be halfway finished.

Unlike her first year when all she wanted to do was go home, she found herself dreading her return to her house. It wasn't the same cozy feeling anymore, not with her father either. Not only was she constantly reminded of her mother, but Benjamin didn't seem to want to be around her anymore. It seemed like all the love he had for her faded when her mother died, and it stuck a nerve somewhere inside her.

Rose Petals ✿ Remus Lupin - Discontinued :(Where stories live. Discover now