"Tammy, I don't want to sound all self centered and everything, but when you saw Zephan and the others, for the first time, what'd you think?"

"I don't see how that's self centered-"

"I'm not done with the full question yet, that's why."

"Okay, well I thought they were gorgeous, too good to be real, why? Where are you going with this?"

"What did you think of me when we first met."

"Oh, uh.." she scratched the back of her head, not wanting to answer that, "you sure you want to know?"



"Because I'm an angel, and I'm curious to see if you saw them the way you saw me. Awstruck, I guess."

"Geez Moe, you really have to pay attention to people's faces when you walk by them. Especially the girl's faces, if you want to know how I used to see you. I thought you were, a bitch, a little miss no it all, I thought you thought you ruled the world. But I guess I was just....jealous, I was mad at how guys wanted to be with you, how you were invited to some many parties, but that all changed in the end of seventh grade. I really got to know you, and I was upset at myself for even thinking those thoughts. I just learned that you enjoy life, and go with the flow, you don't like anything negative, and you make people happy. That's why I always wondered why you never really hung out with any of the girls back in out middle school, but it's just 'cause they bring negative energy that you don't need."

"Oh, I never thought I had such an effect on people, on you.."

"I don't think you ever paid attention to it because you block off negativity." she explained, I guess that could be the reason, I'm glad I know how she felt know.

"So I'm guessing, that angel boys are getting that same affect, just the other way around?"

"You got it! You seem so casual around them! In the face of such hotness you have to be nervous." I shrugged

"I guess it's an angel thing." we laughed


"I don't like the way everyone looks at her, girls look like they want to claw her eyes out, and guys look at her like a piece of meat!" Remiel noticed

"She did warn us about high school." Uriah causally said

"How can she not say something about it, it's like she doesn't even notice it, she's oblivious." Remiel pointed out, again, all he's been doing is complain about how these humans look at us angles, he still has to get used to their ways. It was lunch, and we sat outside, where we could see Uri, but she couldn't see us. She was laughing with her friend, uh Tammy, I think it was, she needed a good laugh after what was said to her. I clenched my jaw in anger, why would he say that to someone so young, so innocent, someone who needed comfort.

"You okay man?" Nereus questioned

"No, I'm not okay."

"Well what's wrong?"

"You know, some humans can be so cruel to each other. It makes no sense."

"What happened?"

"That human, Josh, the one Uri has feelings for." I said disgusted with his name

"What'd he do?" Remiel asked

"He insulted Uri, he called her a bird, a freak." I said flat

"We can show him a freak." Uriah smirked, his hand started to glow a reddish orange

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