Day Three- Sunday

Start from the beginning

Betty began telling me about all the people the Cooper's found guilty.

Their list consisted of the following:

-The Serpents

-The Blossom's

- The Lodge's

-The McCoy's

"Why are they all on the list?" I asked

Betty began explaining why each name was listed.

The Serpents: They're a gang of bikers who stay on the South side of town who are known to be dangerous, drug dealers, and thieves. The Cooper's believed the wanted to threaten the Quinn family by attacking their daughter. The Cooper's believed they wanted money from the Quinn family since the Quinn family was well known as the richest family of Riverdale.

The Blossom's: My family was insane so it wasn't hard to believe my parents wanted to be the number one rich family of Riverdale but the Quinn's were ahead of us so it gave my family a motive.

The Lodge's: The Quinn's were in business deals with Hiram Lodge but the Quinn's quickly found out of Hiram's scam and exploited him giving Hiram a motive to attack.

The McCoy's: This one shocked me a lot. The McCoy's felt threatened by the Quinn's. Not only were they the most rich and powerful family, but the Quinn's knew something about the McCoy family. It was enough motivation to attack.

"How do we prove which one did it?" I asked.

"Well we should start with the scene of the crime." Responded Betty.

"Then let's go."

"Before we go we're gonna need backup."

She began calling a few people I had never heard of. Soon a group of kids were standing in the living room staring at me.

"So let me get this straight? We're solving a case involving an innocent girl with the help of a Blossom?" asked Jughead.

"Be nice. We should introduce ourselves before we act like the Scooby-Doo gang. I'm Veronica Lodge, nice to meet you."

"Well you already know me since we play football together." said Archie.

"The names Forsythe Pendleton Jughead Jones the III but you can call me Jughead."

"Hey i'm Kevin your friendly neighborhood gay kid."

"It's nice to properly meet you all."

Cheryl had always spoken "so highly" of the "sad breakfast club" and I got to learn who the group was.

"So are we going to the drive-in or not? I don't have time to socialize with a Blossom." asked Jughead.

"When do you have time to socialize with anyone, Jug?" replied Archie.

"Hey! I'm the sassy one of the group." said Kevin.

I stood back watching the argument of who was the sassiest unfold. I smiled looking at how well they all got along. I guess I must've been staring since Jughead cleared his throat forcing me out of the daze I was in.

"Sorry." I said with my cheeks heating up.

"It's fine. Maybe we should get going." said Betty. We walked out and decided on what car we would take.

"Everyone's car is too small!" said Kevin.

"Maybe we could just go to my house and get a bigger car?" I stated more like a question.

"I call going!" Said Veronica.

I only nodded in agreement not wanting to embarrass myself anymore. I opened the passenger seat for Veronica and closed it for her while she called me a gentleman. I sat in the driver seat and began driving while making small talk with Veronica.

"How she doing?"

"Doctor's aren't sure if she's gonna make it." I responded.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." I replied. I decided on playing Here It Goes Again by Ok Go quietly on the drive home while Veronica and I talked. I was always a big fan of playing music quietly as it always calmed me down no matter the situation.

We arrived at my house and we decided on a black Cadillac Escalade and headed back to Betty's house. I pulled up once again and they began pilling in and they began fighting on what they should listen to.

"I get to choose since i'm in the front seat!"

Veronica decided on Quit by Cashmere Cat with the complaint of Jughead and Archie saying it was too girly although they began singing along with the rest of us as we headed to the drive-in. I pulled into the an empty parking spot assessing the whole place. The drive-in was always closed on Sunday's so it was much easier to investigate.

As I stepped out of the car, the cold November air hit me all at once causing me to shiver. I didn't feel safe as police tape was still looming around from that night. It had been four months exactly today but Riverdale still wasn't the same. I could still hear screaming and crying from that horrible night that Riverdale's golden girl had been wounded.

"It's okay, Jason. We're here for you." said Betty once she realized I wasn't walking with the group. I gulped and began walking to the dreaded scene I didn't want to look at. As we approached we could still see a small amount of residue left from the blood stains that were pooling on the concrete on August 4.

"There isn't much left that the police haven't looked at." said Kevin. He was right. Maybe it was too late to start investigating but it was better to try than do nothing.

"Let's just picture the scene." I said. We began recalling where everyone stood or was placed that night.

"So we know who was here that night so all we have to do is figure out which direction the bullets came from." said Betty.

"They came from over there." I stated as I pointed to the metal fence that was placed a few feet away from the concession stand.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I was walking with her to the concession stand when she was attacked. The bullets hit her left side mostly meaning it had to come from the fenced area." I responded. We walked towards the area I knew the perpetrator was.

"Look!" yelled out Archie once we all finally caught up with him. He was pointing towards a carton of bullets that were used to attack Luna. They were 140g that seemed to belong to a Smith & Wesson Model 19.

"My father owns a gun that uses those exact same bullets." I stated as I looked closer at the packaging.

"Well the Blossom's are at the top of our list then. I'm so sorry, Jason." replied Betty.

I had to confront my father about this. I wasn't going to let him get away with hurting the only girl I truly loved.

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