"By what" Dr. Langston asked. I couldn't see anybody. They had to be right in front of the bed. I lifted my head.

Thomas and Ezra were awake. They both smiled at me. I settled back into the warm bed.

"She has unusual control over Fire" Rupert said thoughtfully. "George wasn't able to control it. She reacted most differently, she was scared by you Dr. Nan"

"I did find that curious. It took a while for her to realize what was happening and then it clicked. I think she absorbed it and accidently used it on herself"

"I do too" I heard someone shuffling. "The effect shouldn't have lasted that long"

"Her great grandmother was a Muse. Do you think she remembers her?"

"My sister did die shortly after her birth, she might remember her" Dr. Nan replied. I blinked in surprise. I was somehow related to Dr. Nan. I hadn't known that.

"It wouldn't surprise me, but why the sudden fear"

"Where is my grand-daughter" my grandmother demanded.

I clapped my hand to my mouth. I had almost made a sound.

"Sleeping" Dr. Langston replied. "She is okay"

"Good" my grandmother sighed. "Is she hurt?"

"She has a burnt hand" Dr. Nan replied. "We were just discussing the events"

"'What happened" my grandmother sounded annoyed. It sounded like my grandmother had been pulled aside because I couldn't make out what they were saying.

"Cassandra absolutely loved Iris" my grandmother replied. "She was thrilled that we would have a woman in our family."

"Yes but Iris was scared...genuinely scared when she felt his power."

"I should have mentioned that I'm not a full Immortal, I'm also a Muse" Dr. Nan laughed. I could hear Dr. Langston joining him. "Muses have red eyes"

My eyebrows shot up. I looked at Ezra. He was staring open mouthed at the shadows. Thomas was still lying in the armchair. He didn't look so surprised.

"You should have told her" a voice spoke up. I heard a bed creak. It was Byron. I could see a shadow on my other side. "Especially since she can absorb gifts."

"Probably" Dr. Nan chuckled. "My gift isn't something that you forget about especially when you lose your senses."

"You did a good job, raising her, Andrea" Dr. Langston acknowledged. "She is a bright powerful young lady. She will make us proud."

"I know that" my grandmothers' voice quivered. "I'm worried about the rest of the world"

I blinked in surprise, my grandmother had mentioned it before. I knew she was concerned about me. That's why she was so involved with my training. I just didn't realize that she was genuinely worried.

There was a moment of silence.

            "Where are the boys?" my grandmother asked. I sighed with relief. She was back to normal.

"They have not left her side" I saw a hand on the shade. I closed my eyes as it was pulled back. "They even brought in the armchairs from the library. Ezra wanted to bring in his bed"

"Oh dear" my grandmother laughed. "How are they doing?"

"Good...good. They are getting along wonderfully, they bonded quickly" Dr. Langston chuckled. I tried to keep a passive face.

"Ezra and Thomas suffered some minor burns" the shade was pulled back. I opened my eyes and looked at them. "They were trying to get to her...."

Ezra shrugged with an eyeroll. Thomas slowly smiled at me.

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