Chapter 4

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Ok since no one commented on the last chapter thank you for that btw *sarcasm should be detected* I will just write her school years up until Belle's first year I won't explain you will just have to read and see


Me and Stella became friends no Best friends even if she was in Slytherin I still loved being her friend she was sweet and caring I couldn't help but not want her to have any other friends but she did have other friends I felt jealous but I had no right but I couldn't help it

  Me and Stella were walking to the Great Hall but she went to the Slytherins table but I bumped into someone "Ahh sorry i-" I didn't finish because it wasn't just anyone it was Fred .... "Lockie long time no see." Fred says smiling "No we have seen each other you just haven't said anything to me since we got here." I say "Ohh hey Lockie." Jordan says bursting into the awkward moment me and Fred were having "Hey Jordan." I say but then walk away I wasn't mad that they weren't talking to me it hurt a little at first but then I had Stella so it hurt less to the point where it didn't hurt anymore

"Hey Lockie." Stella said cheerfully "Hi Stella." I say quietly "What's wrong?"Stella asks looking concerned "Nothing I just saw my brother." I say sadly "Which one?" Stella asks "Fred." I say looking down "Aww it's ok you have me." She says hugging me "Thanks Stella." I say hugging her back "Now let's go show your brother that you are happy without him."She says smiling "But I'm not I miss them both." I say frowning "They don't need to know that."She says "Why?" I ask "Because they both seem perfectly happy without you."She says "But-" "No buts Lockie I hate seeing you sad because of them."She says frowning "Now please let me help you show them that you don't need them to be happy....because you have ME!"She raises her voice at the last bit "Fine."I reluctantly agree "Yay!"She cheers "Your so weird sometimes."I say laughing "But you know you love me."She says smiling "Yes I do sadly."I say smiling.

*George POV*

"Guess who I just saw?" Fred says looking at me "Who?" I ask "Lockie."He says looking down "Oh."I say looking down to I felt guilty I haven't talked to Lockie for a long time I mean she has her friend and we have ours and we kinda parted ways we don't even talk to each other when we go home "We haven't talked since she became friends with that Slytherin."George says bitterly "We never talk to her even when she isn't with 'That Slytherin'."I retort "Well that's because she is always with her."George says "Maybe your both wrong."Lockie says from behind us "Yeah I agree with her."Stella says looking at Fred "Lockie what are you doing here?"George asks "Well I was going to talk to but maybe I shouldn't because I'm always with 'that Slytherin'."She says sarcastically "I have a name by the way."Stella says rolling her eyes "I know."I say "Well you could use it instead of calling me 'that Slytherin'."Stella says crossing her arms "I'm sorry my brother shouldn't have called you that even if you were a Slytherin." I say apologetic "You know that I wasn't the one who completely ignored their other twin first, no that was you guys and your obviously so happy with Jordan that you can have him for your twin cause I'm done with both of you guys." Lockie says and then grabs her friend by the wrist and storms away.

   "What have we done George?"I say looking down at my feet "Well we messed up big time." George replies "We have to fix this now." I say "But how she obviously hates us for ignoring her for weeks and just hanging out with Jordan." He says looking at me "Maybe we can go talk to her and get her to understand." I say "Not likely, you saw how angry she was I don't think a talk will help that much." George say while shaking his head. "Well we made this mess we might as well fix it." I say "Your right." George says "Of course I'm right." I say grinning George hits my shoulder "Ow." I say "Come I didn't even hit you that hard." He says laughing  "I know." I say laughing "Come on lets go fix our mess." I say and with that we both walk towards the and open it an slowly walking down the hall.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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