~*I Always Come When Called*~ CastielxReader

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**Disclaimer: All characters mentioned except for mention of OC is property of Eric Kripke, Supernatural and the CW. I do not own any of the following**

The shouting downstairs was loud- heated. It terrified you.

Despite being a normal circumstance, the argument between your mother and father seemed to be worse than any other time. Shouting, glass shattering, idle threats, a pounding heart in your chest as you sat upright in your bed. Not even the comfort of your princess sheets or your teddy bear could comfort you now.

No... Not tonight. Tonight's argument between mother and father sounded more like a struggle, and Daddy was the one in charge.

You sensed there would be another fight between them, especially after the way your father loomed in the doorway over your mother after she had tucked you in. You sensed this fight brewing, but you didn't realize how different this fight would be until you heard it... The shrill cry of your mother pleading for her life.

The sound of bones cracking was obnoxiously loud, causing your eyes to widen and hurdle your small form out of bed. Your tiny hands curled around the door knob, trying to be as discreet as possible as you opened the door. Peeking through the small crack you had created for yourself, you saw your mother's body limp at the bottom of their stairs- her eyes widened with horror and blood around her head. A long black shadow consumed her corpse as your father came into view. He stared down at the woman, an angry look in his eye and his chest heaving.

Unable to tear your eyes away, you held your breath in hopes that you would not be seen. That was when your father slowly turned his head, his eyes skipping up each individual step until they reached you. A small, shaken gasp expelled from your lips as you noticed the blackness in father's eyes and a smirk manipulate his lips.

Horrified, you slammed the door, fumbling for the lock as you ran and hid inside your closet. Something was definitely not right about your father. He looked like a monster.

You could hear him walking up the stairs, slowly, with each step announcing it's presence. You shut your eyes tightly, hot tears pricking at your eyes. "Please, Lord," you prayed, tiny voice shaken. Your mother always taught you about angels, and how everyone has one looking over them. You prayed all the time together and, now, praying alone, made you feel sick. "Send an angel to save me. I'm scared. I need an angel!"

There was a silence, and you knew that meant your father was outside your bedroom door. You peered between the grating of your closet, keeping your breathing low and subtle. It was then, your father started banging on the door. You shrieked, covering your mouth as the banging grew louder. He was going to kill you, and there was no angel to save you.

An unfamiliar sound caught your attention. You were surprised you heard it over the sound of the bashing fists on the door, but it was so odd of sound. Like a birds wings flapping too close to a window in the wee hours of the morning.

You pressed your eyes against your closet door, once against glancing around the room. Suddenly the doors were pulled away from you, almost causing your to fall to your hands and knees. You looked up to the man before you, dressed in a tan trench coat and steel, blue eyes piercing through the darkness. Your eyes grew in awe and your mouth fell agape at the beautiful man who seemed to have appeared out of thin air. "Are you hurt?" His raspy voice asked, kneeling in front of you.

You nodded. "Who are you, mister?"

A loud crash sounded, causing the stranger to shoot up to his feet and look toward your father standing in the doorway. Light spilled into the bedroom, casting the strangers shadow on the bedroom wall. It was in that moment, you saw that the stranger's shadow was different from yours. His had a set of wide-spread wings.

~*I Always Come When Called*~ CastielxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now