You're the only girl in One Direction and he fancies you (part 1)...

Start from the beginning

"You," he answers quietly, and your eyes widen in shock.

"What do you mean me? Why?" you ask, confused, taking a few steps closer towards him, desperate for an answer.

"As much as I'd like to drop him in it because of how much of an idiot he was just then," he laughs slightly, shaking his head before focusing his attentions back on you, "It's not my place to say anything - you'll have to ask him yourself."


"Y/N! Y/N, can you sign this?" Two younger fans caught your eyes as you and the boys were heading into the building for a radio interview. You smile at them warmly, ignoring the security team who were attempting to usher you along inside and instead walking over to the small fans.

"How are you guys?" you asked nicely, kneeling down so you were on a better level to them, graciously taking the CD's they handed you and signing them.

"We love you so much Y/N," one of the girls squealed.

"Yeah, we want to be just like you when we grow up!" the other one joins in, clapping her hands giddily as you pass them back their now signed CD's. You can't help it, and despite knowing you shouldn't in this environment you give them both a quick hug, muttering a thank you in their ears. You were always baffled but grateful when fans showed admiration like that, because while it might be quite common for you nowadays (all of you got your fair share of hate) but it was a completely different ball game in the beginning. Your addition to the band had been met by many a raised eyebrows from the fan points of view, who for the most part were adamant you only got the job because you must have been having a thing with one or more of the boys, which of course was not the case. Though the rumours hadn't been helped by the fact that, due to sad and unlucky circumstances, all the boys found themselves single during the month before your arrival. After the release of the third One Direction album however the fans attitudes had changed - forgotten were the days of shipping bromances, nowadays the question directioners would ask is 'who do you ship Y/N with?'. With one last smile at the two young fans, you go to get to your feet but stumble, though a pair of arms catch you before you can hit the cold pavement.

"Some days I think you need someone to watch you 24/7 you know," Louis teases, his arms still around you until he was sure you were stable on your feet - it was a running joke how ridiculously clumsy you were.

"Ah Louis, my hero!" you tease, pretending to go to throw your arms around his neck, his outstretched arms stopping you though.

"Now now, enough of the admiration," he jokes along, and you catch the glint in his eye before he places a hand on your back, guiding you towards the building doors away from the fans.

"You can continue that later, right now we're late for a radio interview."

During that interview the inevitable question turns up, "So there's a lot of rumours about you Y/N, dating one of these boys here... is that the case?"

You roll your eyes, as you address the interviewer, "It's hard work working with these five incredibly good looking guys," you all laugh, "But no, I'm not dating any of them, nor have I ever dated one of them."

"Yeah, you should be so lucky," Louis butts in, sticking his tongue out at you playfully while the others continue to laugh.

"Oh, that hurt me deep Lou," you sigh sarcastically, your hand clutching at your chest.

"You've just ruined my dreams right there." After the interview the six of you make your way out of the building, this time all of you stopping to sign autographs and take pictures with the fans that had been waiting out there. When Paul calls out to you all to let you know you have to go, you whip your head around, losing your balance and losing your footing. For the second time today so far a pair of arms catch you before you can hit the pavement, this time though it's Liam.

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