"I'm not saying everybody does, but you do, when we first met you could not take your eyes off me." Parker chuckled and crossed the road.

"That's a lie! I do not like you, you arrogant conceited piece of shit!" Isabella fumed, cheeks red in anger... or perhaps something else?

"Sure, sure," Parker jumped onto a rock in the middle of the river, then on the other side.

That's when Isabella came out of her bubble of anger. "Where are we?" She looked around confused, turns out she had been following him to wherever this place was.

"I dunno, I just walked straight ahead," Parker admitted and plopped down under an apple tree.

"Well aren't we gonna go back?" Isabella looked at the water timidly.

"You can," Parker said and leaned his back against the tree.

"Umm..." Isabella looked back and it was just more trees, truth is her map skills weren't the greatest. "I don't know the way back..." She meekly said.

"Neither do I, sugar," Parker admitted.

"Don't call me that." She glared at him, "how are we gonna get back then?"

Parker shrugged, "not my biggest concern..." he yawned, he grabbed an apple from a low hanging branch. "Take some time to chill, you're so uptight." He tossed the apple to Isabella.

Isabella caught the apple single handedly. She debated whether to stay or just get lost further into this tree infested area, "I am not uptight." She said hopping over the river to where Parker was. "Now budge over."

"You are uptight, for fun you I heard you read books and crash parties apparently." Parker said getting another apple.

"I like books, what's wrong with that?" She sat beside him. "And stop being so petty about me shutting your party down."

"I'm petty?" Parker scoffed, "yeah you might be right.

"Yes you are petty." Isabella smiled slightly.

Parker laughed melodically, he started eating the apple, "so princess, how bout we get some food?"

"Sure, where'd you wanna go?" Isabella asked looking at him. "And my name is not princess."

"Lets go get some burgers and fries, you do like fries right?" Parker asked standing up and tossing the apple core aside.

"Who doesn't like fries?" Isabella got up "you're paying by the way."

"Nah, I've got a cousin who works at the nearest burger joint and she'll give us a free meal. Also I lied I know the way out," Parker smirked again and walked out the woods.

"You really are an asshole you know that?" Isabella sighed following him. She was regretting coming along in the first place, but then remembered she was gonna get free fries.

"Love you too princess," Parker joked.

"Why do you call me princess?" She asked walking fast to keep up with him.

"I dunno, you have this dainty and delicate look to you," Parker said shrugging.

A few minutes later they arrived at a burger joint, Parker walked in as if he owned the place.

Wake Up, Make Up, Come OutWhere stories live. Discover now