Part one

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Charlotte mckee... The most beautiful girl in the world. Brunette and petite. Hot. Small breasts and an amazing body, to die for, to kill for? She is a small time model in New York, not big at all. She IS however huge in my eyes. A beacon of beauty. I'd followed her social media accounts for a few months after discovering a picture of her. I didn't know who it was but I HAD to know who. After, I started to love her face more each day, her inescapable beauty graced my screens daily. I realised she was an unacheivable Target for me to get her. However, less so than larger celebrities, she was the type to respond to messages. So I did. We messaged back and to a few times with nothing substantial. I said I was inspired by her and she was beautiful. Cheesy but it may work...

   Two months later

Oh my God. I'd done it... She offered to meet for dinner, in New York. 5 thousand miles for a girl. More than worth it.

Chatlotte mckee and me...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin