"It's good to see you, too, uncle. How have you been?"

"Just perfect! And Claire's very excited about her party, so I think it's best we get going. Is that alright, Sarah?" he turned to ask Adelais's mother, who gave a fake smile so believable that it made Adelais's skin crawl.

"Oh course! You have fun, sweetie, alright? I'll see you this evening."

Adelais nodded to her mother, feeling her stomach turn at the false kindness her mother showed as she followed her uncle out toward the car. Her cousin was sitting in the back seat, talking adamantly with a dark skinned girl that must have been a close friend of hers. They both turned to look when her father and older cousin approached the car, Adelais walking around onto the street to get into the passenger side.

"Claire, you remember Adelais?" Glancing into the back as she slid into her seat, Claire's gaze met Adelais's briefly, her once natural smile tightening slightly. "You two haven't really seen one another since you were kids, but your Aunt Sarah wanted Adelais to get out for a bit while she was visiting from University."

"Yea," Claire answered tightly. "Hi, Adelais. How's school been?"

"Busy," Adelais answered quietly, turning forward again as she focused on buckling herself in. "Happy Birthday, Claire."

Claire shared an awkward look with her friend before she offered another hesitant smile. "Thanks. Glad you could come to the party."

Adelais turned her attention passed her uncle to look at her house. Most wouldn't be able to tell, but Adelais could make out the form of her mother standing beyond the mostly-closed blinds of their living room window. She was watching her even now, making sure that so long as Adelais was in her sights, she did as she was told.

Swallowing against a suddenly dry throat, Adelais looked down toward the glove-compartment as her uncle pulled away from the curb slowly and merged into traffic. She kept her gaze on that exact spot as they made their way into town, heading for the restaurant that had been reserved for Claire. She listened as her younger cousin rattled on about who was coming, whispering to her friend about how she couldn't believe they had invited the 'emo girl'. Adelais wasn't sure whether or not she her father could hear her, but if he did he wasn't saying anything.

Bitch, she cursed in her head. She forced herself to swallow the anger that rose in her chest, burning her like bile as she fought against the urge to punch the glove-compartment. Closing her eyes a moment and taking a deep breath, Adelais forced herself to push aside the anger and vengeful thoughts. If she lost her cool when she was away from home, her mother would beat her into a hospital bed and never let her leave again.

"Looks like we're not the first ones here," her uncle stated suddenly as he pulled into a half-filled parking lot. Claire shrieked in excitement as she leaned toward the window, calling out the names of the friends she recognized from her class. Adelais flinched from the noise, the action so small that the other passengers of the car didn't even realize she had moved.

Once the car was parked Claire and her friend piled out of the back like their asses were on fire, rushing over to a small group of other girls that were also shrieking at an ungodly volume. "Hey, Adelais, mind giving me a hand carrying in some gifts?" Knowing better than to refuse, Adelais nodded silently and let him load gift bags into her arms, picking up what she guessed to be a cake before he closed the trunk of the car.

Some strange looks were thrown her way from the girls that Claire was talking with, but Adelais paid it no mind as she walked with her uncle into the restaurant.

Adelais put the presents down where the rest were already clustered on the table, bright pink wrapping paper glaringly obvious in the large room. Claire and her classmates steadily filed in, the sound volume of the room skyrocketing because of it. "I know it's a bit awkward since you don't know anyone here," her uncle started, keeping his voice low as he stood next to Adelais, "and you're a bit older than these girls. Just stay close to me, the adults need to stick together."

The One With Silver ScarsWhere stories live. Discover now