Valentine chapter 1 my beginning

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Hey lil monztas plz excuse my spelling skills i wuz never the best but ill let you go enjoy

VALENTINE p.o.v 6 years old

I was six years old when my father told me his job. He was kind of a man who would randomly kill woman for money the system was complicated he said he would tell me wen im old enough to handle it. Thats when he told me my mother was assasinated by the other leaders pack. i said assa what and all he did was smile i knew my mother had died but he said it was from an illness so i always brushed it off.

Valentine p.o.v. currently 16

I sat in class zoneing in and out of memories. I really mostly had memories of my mother and if not that her death my fathers death or the death of a male who disgusst me. Then finally a hard something hit my desk only to look up and see MR>BROWN  looking infuriated. Is there something you would like to share Ms. Jones just that sometimes you can be a real prick the class abrupted into an upproar of laughter., Thats it Ms >Jo ........... Valentine the name is valentine wow for a teacher you sure are dumb i thought to myself and was going to say until i heard hium say.........see me after class mw.jones he said and dismissed the class.

He stared at me for a moment then his eyes changed to lustful as he over looked my tight jeans and top. I enturupted his most likely nasty thoughts by clearing my throat he looked at me and said MS.Jones i think your old enough to no that you are very attractive and whats it to you i ever so rudely inturupted you should watch who your talking to missy we dont want to get into trouble now do we

and what if i do. well missy its right in front of you thats when i realized i had to get the heck out of there i walked twoards him suductivley and crashed me knee rite into his manhood i snickered as i saw his eyes flash to in pain. and thats when i dipped out of there it was my sixth class so i got to go straight home and pack my stuff and get the heck out of there.

I quicklygot home and grabbed my already packed emergeny bag as you can see i move a lot because of my black hair and grey eyes i allured alot of creeps so when i felt it was un safe i would move as that i did. i usually moved to the houses my family lived in as i was a kid i had lots of money from my fathers death he gave me everything he owned the business the money and all 6 house rite now i was moving to house #3 you know what they say three times a charm.

As i stepped into the door of the house i amideetally came to a stop i saw Mr.Brown and a family which a man whpo looked like their son i have to admit he was smoking but then i felt weird and passed out................................................................................................

well sorry for the cliff hanger folks but i atleast get five votes and or comments i will continue plz i beg of you by lil monztas

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2012 ⏰

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