Chapter 4

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"Y/N!" Your dad yells as he enters Peter's room. "What did I say about no sex in my tower!" He yells. You wake up, and remember that you slept in Peter's bed. "Dad, were just cuddling," you say. "Yeah Mr. Stark. I would never do that," Peter said. You quickly ran out of the room and went to get some clothes on (you weren't naked you were in pjs).

You arrive at school to see your friend, Ned. He was Peter's friend and he introduced you to him when you transferred here. "Hey," he said. "You look sad," you say. "I am kinda bummed." He says. "Why?" You ask. "Peter blew me off for Liz again last night, and he's with Liz instead of me right now," he says. "I know. Everything with him is Liz, Liz, Liz! He even cutting down on his Spider-Man patrols lately," you say. "I'm not a fan of Piz," Ned says. "Piz?" You say. "Yeah. Peter and Liz's ship name," Ned says. "I know. I don't like Piz at all. I wish he would like me back," you say, quickly realizing what you said. "You like Peter?" Ned yells. "Shhh!" You shush him. "Ned, you can't tell anyone!" You say. "But I have to! You like Peter!" He says. "If he finds out he will freak!" You say. "Can I be your wingman?" He asks. "No, Ned, no." You say. The bell rings and you two walk to class.

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