It's in the wrist

Start from the beginning

Before training Kim had ask out Trini if she would like to go to Krispy Kreme with her to grab something to eat. Trini agreed. Which soon led them fighting for the last piece of the pastry. As they both got the fork that had been holding the pastry. They realize that there arm had morphed. They quickly drop the fork and hid their arms under the table so no one could see it. Both of them look at each other then smile at one another. Trini realize that she's starting to have feelings for the pink ranger. As their armor faded, Kim then spoke breaking the short silence between them. "Did that just happened?". Removing her arm under the table to point at it. Trini only nodded.

The next day Trini saw Kim's locker had been defaced with mean words her blood started to boil and just want to punch the people who did it. Without even thinking Trini rip-off Kim's locker from it's hinges and told her to take her stuff. "You don't need a locker." Trini said before throwing the locker door at a utility closet. The two quickly exited the school.

Later that day they were now back in the pit, Alpha had shown them the zords that it will likely help them to defeat, Rita. Then Zack went on joyride on his zord almost killing everyone in the process. Leading to both of Jason and Zack,fighting which Billy then stop them making him morph. Later that night all of them made small campfire and all of them told something about each other, except Kim. When Trini ask if they were friends or just Power Rangers leaving all of them downfounded. As Trini arrives at her home she started crying not realizing that the question was an important thing to her. And Rita went to her bedroom and start pushing her to the walls, threatening her and leaving scars on her neck and some bruise, and finally telling her where to find her. She then send a group text to the other and telling them where to meet up. She told them on what had happened to her and that Rita is at the docks. They soon fought her in that area but had ended up losing , she ask them where the crystal is which Billy answer at Krispy Kreme. Glad that she finally got her answer she was about to leave. But before that she killed Billy. Depressed that the most kindest one die, they bought him back to the ship where there he was given another chance to live. Thanks to Zordon. Soon later they morph and battle Rita and Goldar with their zords. Even thought the town was a mess at least everyone was safe.

As the sun had fallen down. All of them gathered around the fire. Drink on what ever drinks they bought to celebrate. All of them enjoying the night.

"Guys, have you ever wonder when will we meet our soulmate?" Zack said. Grabbing everyones attention. "I always hope mine is a badass. Since well they might know some martial arts move, since well a black belt appeared on my wrist." Pulling up his sleeve
"Then here's this other one." Pulling down his other sleeve to reveal a green dragon. "Man, I hope to see them." He sigh taking another sip of his beer. "How about you, Kim. What's the picture on your wrist?" He ask pulling everyones attention to her. Mostly Trini's."Well mine is a pair of headphones with some music blasting out of it." Kim answered. "So how did you and Ty became a thing. Even its now obvious that you two aren't soulmates?" Jason ask. Kim hesitate her answer. "If you don't want to answer it's fine." "Back then I really thought, Ty was my soulmate. Because the first time we've met he was wearing his headphones. He barely could hear me screaming to get out of the way before a soccer ball hit his face. And he had a cheerleader uniform in his wrist so that's how I thought were soulmates. Not until I saw him and Amanda, kissing in the locker rooms and then th-.. " Kim stopping at her sentence. "And one thing led to another. How about yours, Jace?" "Well mine is an explosion and the other one is well a blue triceratops." Looking at Billy at the mentioned of the prehistoric figure. His face was blushing a shade of pink but no one could see it. "Well mine is a football helmet and a red t rex in the other." Billy smiling at the pictures in his wrist. "Billy, do you realize that you and Jason are soulmates." Zack exclaimed. "Really. Jason is this true?" "I guess so, Billy." "So those this mean where gonna go on dates like in restaurants, picnics and do couple stuff, like holding hands, and kissing." Billy explained still having smile in his adorable face, making Jason blush in his explanation. "Cheers to the newly found soulmates." Kim said bringing up her drink into the air for the rest to colide it with theirs. Trini smiles at her friends enjoyment. "How about yours, Trin." Hearing her name from Kim just make her wanna melt. Staring into her sweet chocolate brown eyes until she snaps out of it just a before anyone that she was mesmerizing Kim's eyes "Well mine is a pompom." Trini said. And took a long drink from her beer. "I'd even had my first kiss from a cheerleader, but she wasn't my soulmate. We dated for couple of months and then my papa announced that were gonna move again. I went to her house to tell her the news but when I got to her house she was all happy. She showed me her wrist and that was it. I cried myself to sleep that night." When she finish her sentence. Her phone starts to vibrate. She pulled it out of her pants to see the words Mami. She stood up from her spot and answered her mom's call. Her friends follwed her trailed and start to listen to conversation. But was hard to put it out since it was switching back and forth from english to spanish. "Sorry, guys. I gotta get home. My mom is worried that the putties might randomly rise, again." "I'll take you back home ,Trin and your mom might be right. Zordon told me that there's a chance that Rita's putties will randomly appear." The red ranger said. "Zack, Kim, you two take the first lookout." "Wait why us?" Kim asked. "Since well only me and you can drive car and I'm taking Billy and Trini back to there homes." "Fine but before the patrol I'm gonna check on my mom first." Zack said finishing his drink in one dose. " I'll meet you in 30 minutes, Kim." Running to the direction of his trailer."We better get going. Your mom probably gonna call you again." Jason said. "Let's go, Billy. See you tomorrow, Kim" He said. Leaving the pink ranger alone and waits until the black ranger arrives.

The ride back home was quiet except for Billy's enthusiasm for knowing that Jason was his soulmate. Jason just smile when Billy think of all the cute things that they might do in the near future. They finally arrive at Trini's house. The living room light was on telling her that her mother is waiting for her. Jason stop the van infront of the house. "Thanks, Jas for the ride. I'll see you guys tomorrow at detention." "Bye, Trin." Billy said while Jason wave goodbye. Before leeaving the short girl in her front yard. Trini turn around to find her mother standing in the doorway. Trini walk near to her mother waiting for the question she gonna ask. "Where have you been? When did you have friends? Was that Jason Scott in the driver seat? When are you gonna show me the picture on your wrist? Are one of those boys your soulmate? Please tell me it's not Jason Scott?" Trini didn't bother to answer even one of those questions. She quickly went up stairs. She open her door then shut it. The smell of sea water is still there, the cracks. Going back in here just give her the chills. She stop herself from thinking of any of that. She changed her clothes and lay her head into her pillow.

"Hello, yellow, it's nice to see you again." Rita said hovering over Trini. Her wicked smile in her face. All of Trini's colors drain out of her."No you shouldn't be here. We slap you to space. Why are you here?" Fear was now surroundings Trini's body. But she didn't let Rita see that she was scared. Yet she was trembling underneath her sheet. Rita lands on Trini's bedside. Trini took this as an opportunity to morph and tackle Rita into the wall. "Oh, little yellow, have you not learn your lesson." Rita said pushing Trini into the other wall chocking her in the process. " Your still to new to this. You will never defeat me. I shall get my precious zeo crystal. And this time I will show no mercy." She said. Dropping Trini to the floor. Rita took a side step to reveal the four Rangers all tied up in the both where they once were held. All of them screaming for her name "Let's see, who to kill first. How about we kill blue again this time permanently." She said by dropping Billy into the cold water. "Billy!" All of them scream. Trini didn't know what to do she feels like her body are to scared to move. "Whose next, in mini miny, Black. He seems to be annoying just like the old one. He was the first ranger I killed." She gave a cackle, which will haunt Trini. Rita drop the black ranger into his sinking doom. "Zack!" The three of them scream. "Let's kill little red Zordon, next. Wouldn't that be enjoying." Dropping Jason into the water leaving Kim last. "Jason!" "Ah pink. So peppy, always lucky with her life. Well the old one that is. I could sense that you like her don't yoh ,yellow. You like pink don't ya. Well to bad she's gonna die." Dropping her to the ocean where almost all rangers are. "Kim!" Trini screamed. Endless of tears falling down her eyes. "Don't worry yellow you'll all soon be reconnected." Rita said. Dragging her into the ocean . She push Trini into the ocean. Vines we're grabbing her feet dragging her down . Even in the dark she could see Billy,Zack,Jason and Kim's lifeless bodies floating.she could feel the water inside her. Trini look up to see a glowing green light and the horrible laugh.

Trini sit straight up from her nightmare. A layer of sweat covered her body. Trini hug her knees. "She's not here anymore. she's not gonna kill you. She's dead now." She said trying calm her self to sleep. But she tensed up when she heard a knock on her window. To scared to look and thoughg that it was Rita com in ng back for revenge. Trini turn her head slowly to the direction of her window. To find Kimberly tapping in her window. Trini push the sheets away from her and went to the window to let Kimberly in. "Hey, Trin are you alright. I felt fear when I was coming back home and yellow was one color in my mind." "Yeah. I'm fine. Just had a nightmare." Sitting on her bed while Kim sits at the spinning chair of hers. "Is it about her?" Trini didn't reply but just nod her head. "It's okay, Trini, just tell me what happen." Trini told her her nightmare that all four of them was drowning while she didn't do anything but stare and watch them die one by one. Tears had started to fall down her face. Kim stood up hug the shorter girl and kiss Trini's forehead. "It's okay. Were still here and she's not coming back." Trini felt at ease at Kim's touch and her words. "Kim could you sleep here? Just in case I get another nightmare." Trini said her red puffy eyes saying please say yes. Kim nod and layed both of them in Trini's bed not letting go of their hug. As soon the eyes of yellow ranger had finally shut not daring opening it again until day light shines in her room, not even caring that her left wrist felt like it is being sting by a bee. She didn't care who's her soulmate is are right now.She just wanna stay right here wrap in Kimberly's arm, feeling safe.

As Kim was sure that the shorter girl had fallen asleep. She kiss the end of her nose. Making Trini smile on her sleep. Kim look at her left wrist to reveal a sabertooth tiger with bright yellow fur. "Night, Trin. I love you." Pulling the girl closer in the embrace. Happy knowing that the girl she's with right now is her soulmate.

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