Chapter 12

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Jack's P.O.V.

It's already 10 o'clock. It's been 3 hours since I last saw Elsa. I was worried.

"Kristoff, where's Anna?", I asked him. She wasn't there as well.

"I don't know. I'm worried 'bout the two girls, so as their friends.", Kristoff replied.

"Let's find them!", North told.

"It's fine. Kristoff and I can handle it.", I told.

Kristoff and I searched everywhere. We passed by 3 halls in Pitch's huge house. In one hall, we heard a sound. It was a girl's shriek. It was coming from the Master's Bathroom. There was two doors for sure. Kristoff opened it. That stupid ass didn't lock it.

"Anna!", Kristoff screamed. Hans was making out with her. It was terrible. There was another door. Luckily, it was already opened. It was Pitch and Elsa. I knocked Pitch down as soon as I went in the room. I untied the rope from the bedframe.

"Jack! I'm so glad you're here.", Elsa told.

Anna put on her clothes already. We were gonna leave, but Elsa couldn't find her clothes.

"I found it!", Anna told us. It was in the trashcan. Anna took them and placed it in her clutch. Anna and Kristoff grabbed Hans and Pitch first, and took them to a room and locked it. Her shoes were still okay, though.

Elsa didn't want to wear stinky clothes. She was so picky. Elsa put the blanket on for awhile.

"I don't have clothes yet, you know.", she told.

"Wait. Close your eyes.", I took my shirt and pants off.

"Here.", I gave my clothes to Elsa. She wore them. It was quite fit on her. Since her underwear were dirty, she refused to wear them. Her chest was so...... Seen.

"Oh. This cannot be okay!", she told.

"I already gave you my clothes, Elsa. What do you expect?", I was furious. "Okay, look, I'm sorry.", I told her.

"It's fine. I was such a douchebag.", she told.

"Umm.... Are you going to walk in that?", Elsa asked.

"Yup.", I said. I had to walk with my underwear. Damn.

I checked Pitch's closet though. There were clothes, so I wore them.

"How's this?", I told.

"Terrible!", she told.

"Really, nipple girl?", I teased. She slapped me afterwards.

"I hate you!", she told me. We went downstairs, and everyone was gone. Even our ride was gone.

"Let's walk!", Elsa told.

"Sure.", I told her.

While walking, Elsa was covering her chest with her arms. She looks weird.

"Don't you feel uncomfortable when you do that?", I asked her.

"Nah, not really.", she told me.

"Jack, thanks.", she thanked.

"No biggie.", I told her.

"You're such a great friend.", she told.

Ouch. Friendzoned.

"So, umm... Elsa, it's been a week of school already, and I just wanted to ask you if you have developed a crush yet. So, yeah, who's your crush?", I asked.

"I'm sorry, Elsa, I feel so elementary. Relate?", I told.

"I won't be able to relate. I've never been to grade school. Remember?", she reminded.

"Who's your crush?!", I forced her to spill the beans.

"Tell me yours, the I'll tell you mine?", she gave me an opposition.

"Deal.", I told.

"Who is the lucky lady?", she was excited.

"The truth?", I asked.

"Yeah, you promised.", she told.

"Fine. The truth is..... I like...", I cut.

"Who?", Elsa dictated. "Tell me!"

"Alright. It's..... YOU!", I had to let the cat out of the bag.

She was cherry red. Damn. I knew she'd react like that. Stupid me.

"Okay, tell me yours. I told you mine.", I said.

"It's you. Jack Frost.", she admitted.

"Woah. No kidding!", I said.

"Uh-huh!", she said.

"But we're just friends, okay?", she told me.

Friendzoned once more.

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