Chapter two

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What had been many months for cubone was many years for the player who had stopped playing.  Cubone laid by it's deceased mother and only got up to get food. It's mother's body was nothing but a skeleton of its former self. Cubone sighed as she than took her mother's skull and put it on her head. Cubone didn't want to leave without take a bit of it's mother with her. The cubone than buried its dead mother's remains  and walked off into the darkness of the night, it looked at the moon, it was a claw shaped. Cubone began to wail again as tears trickled from its eyes and down it's mother's skull. It kept wailing and wailing all through the night. Dawn approached like a bird pokemon opening it's wings.  Cubone curled onto a ball and sniffles and soon fell asleep.

It woke up in the afternoon. Cubone sighed as she picked up her club and left the moors. Cubone  saw many baby pokemon, like herself playing with there mother's. This hurt cube's heart, she felt so lonely and she hated being lonely... She wished she could run away from this awful place.

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