Running Away From Your Probelms

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Estarossa's POV:

It's been six months since that stupid argument and they haven't spoken once. I know it's all my fault and have told both Zeldris and Meliodas that because I need them to talk again. They were so happy before and I ruined it all. Zeldris feels guilty about it I can tell because whenever he feels guilty, he plays video games all day and guess what he's been doing for the past six months.

Monday mornings are always the same. I get up and get ready, cook breakfast and wake the two up. Meliodas normally stays with me in the kitchen while Zeldris eats in his room. I knocked on Zeldris' door and then on Meliodas'. I didn't get an answer from him though but I ignored it. I assumed he was just getting ready. Zeldris came down and when he noticed Meliodas wasn't there I saw him get really confused.

"Where is he?" He asked. I shrugged trying to keep back a smirk. I knew he still cared for Meliodas.

"Dunno. He hasn't come down yet. Why don't you go check?" He actually nodded and went upstairs.

Zeldris' POV:

I've been thinking the past couple of days about finally forgiving Meliodas because I'm over Gelda and can completely accept that he was right. I knocked on his door but didn't get an answer. I knocked again and again until I just opened the door. I looked around but didn't see him anywhere. I saw a piece of paper on his bed and decided to take a look.

I picked it up and noticed it was a letter. I began to read it but with each word my guilt and panic grew.

I know you will find this in the morning when I don't come down for breakfast. It's nothing to worry about. I've gone out but won't be returning. I can't take it here anymore. Please don't come looking for me. I don't want to come back. At this point in time, I could care less about what happens to me. I just want Zeldris to be happy. So please, forget about me and make sure Zeldris is happy for me. That's the only thing I ask. After all he said his life would be better if I was never born. I know you will tell the sins and Ban will flip but tell them I'm sorry. You might think this is a bad thing. But it's not. It's the best solution to this problem. But whatever you do, please don't blame Zeldris. It's not his fault for anything. I know you won't listen to me and will blame him for everything but don't. I'm sorry.

He.....he.....left? He ran away? I don't know what to do. I fell to my knees and held the letter as close as I could.

"E...Estarossa" he ran up the stairs and looked around. When he realised Meliodas wasn't here, his face drained of colour and his eyes were saying it's too late.

"He...left us" I handed him the letter and he looked so upset.

"I knew i should've talked to him"

"W-what shall we do Estarossa? This is all my fault. I shouldn't have waited so long to apologise! He's too young! Anything could happen to him out there!" Estarossa cut me off by hugging me. I just cried into his shoulder.

"He told us that you aren't to blame so that means you shouldn't blame yourself. We'll go to school and meet up with the sins and tell them everything. There's no doubt in my mind that they will ignore Meliodas and start looking, okay?" I could tell he was trying not to cry aswell. I nodded but couldn't help feel bad and guilty. He's only 14 so being out there on his own. Who knows what could happen to him!

Ban's POV:

We waited at our normal table for Meliodas and Estarossa to arrive. They normally get here round about 8:30 but it's 8:45 now so I wonder ways keeping them. I was talking to King when Diane elbowed me.

"Look" She pointed at the gate and instead of seeing Meliodas, we saw Zeldris with Estarossa. He had his head down and Estarossa was holding something. They came over and stopped in front of the table.

"Why is he here Estarossa?" King asked. We were all watching Zeldris. Nobody trusted him after what he did to the cap'n. Zeldris wiped his eyes but tears wouldn't stop falling down his face.

"I know that you don't like him but we have a huge problem" Estarossa exclaimed

"What is it?" King asked

"Meliodas ran away" he mumbled looking away from us. That's why Zeldris is upset? He handed us the letter and it was all true. He ran away.

"If Meliodas wouldn't have said that it's not your fault, I would kill you right about now Zeldris" I warned

"I know and it is all my fault. No matter what he said.....but me find my brother" That shocked even Estarossa. I couldn't help but feel bad for the guy. I can tell he was planning on apologising because I can see it in his eyes.

Diane hugged him and he cried into her. He must feel really bad at this point.

"I-I need to find my brother" he cried.

"Zeldris, we will find Meliodas. He's our friend and he's too young to be out there on his own" I comforted

"Why are we hanging around for?! Let's go!" King moaned. We all left the grounds and started to look. We split up into two teams. Me and Estarossa and Zeldris, King and Diane. I just hope he's okay.

"Estarossa, do you know why he ran?" I asked

"He....was depressed. I knew it but didn't tell him or the sins that I knew. He would deny everything"

"Depression. It came to that. Grr! He's only 14 and shouldn't have to go through that much stress! This is all Zeldris' fault!"

"Ban, calm down. Zeldris has already taken responsibility for everything but Meliodas asked us not to blame him, so that's the least we can do"

"I just feel bad about myself! I'm his best friend and I didn't even notice! How did I not notice?!"

"He hid behind masks, Ban. He has always been good at keeping secrets. Even big ones like this"

"When we find him, after I make sure he's alright, I'm gonna kill him! He's a big dumb idiot!"

"That's the one thing I can agree on"

We were checking places like the park while Zeldris' team was checking places less obvious like the beach.

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