He moved again more forcefully and this time he hit that sweet spot within me and my breath hitched, oh god I needed him to keep doing that. He must have seen the need and desire on my face because his movements became more focused and he pulled me closer to him.

I told him that I loved him and it just made him speed up even more, the constant slapping of skin against skin and our heavy breathing made the experience all the more erotic. When I was close my body seemed to stop moving and Zak had to do all of the work, my heart was racing as he guided my hips back and forth.

He left my hips and moved to take my aching shaft in his hand. Gently squeezing it he pumped me, steadily getting faster and faster until I couldn’t take it much longer. I could feel his movements becoming slightly more erratic and the noise coming from him went straight to my cock.

I pulled away from him and moved further down his legs, then I grabbed his erection and began to pump it, he reached back down and took mine propping himself up on his elbow. I leaned forward to kiss him and he groaned in my mouth as he spilled all over himself. I pumped him through his climax and he squeezed involuntarily around my own, sending me over the edge.

My body shook as I released myself on him, he grabbed my neck and pulled me in for one last kiss before collapsing back onto the bed. I slid beside him draping my arm and leg over his body and pulling him closer to me. Our breathing was still fast and I chuckled knowing full well that if I was to wake up like this every day for the rest of my life it would be perfect.

I would definitely be the luckiest guy on earth.


I was sitting in my cell looking around the room that I had called home for the last twelve months and despite hating it I convinced myself it had been worth it. I lay back the smug smirk never leaving my face even when the guard came along to drop off the post and to tell me that I had been denied break time today.

I wasn’t happy about that and when I asked him why he just ignored me and handed me a letter then walked away. I screamed after him asking why I had to stay inside while the whole block got to enjoy the sun, but he continued on his way not even turning back once.

I lay on my bed in a huff the letter forgotten for a moment as I tried to think of happy thoughts to bring back my good mood. The thought of Zak’s crumpled heap on the field that day soon had the smirk back on my face. I grabbed the letter and opened it to read who it was from and what they could possibly want from me.

Dear Coach Harvey

I wanted to say this face to face but I love Zak and I respect the fact that he doesn’t want me anywhere near you, so I am writing this without his consent to let you know the damage you have caused.

I smiled even wider at this, oh it is from Billy I am going to enjoy this I can tell.

I know that you will be happy to hear that Zak has gone through months and months of physical rehabilitation and emotional turmoil. However, I write to you with some very disappointing news, that not only has Zak managed to overcome his ordeal, he has over the months managed to forget about it much quicker than I have.

He managed to heal a lot quicker than the doctors ever imagined, and he has managed to avoid feeling hopeless and has become a stronger person from it all. I can now only offer you one final message, one final feeling and one last chance for you to muster any form of remorse.

Because I offered myself the same at first, I tried to forgive and tried to forget. It was the love from a great man that kept this letter from you for so long. However I have since found that forgiveness is a terribly hard emotion to conjure.

Unlike most people who follow the old saying of “forgive and forget”, I will never forgive you, but will forever try to forget you!

I know that you will get exactly what you wanted from Max and I. When that comes I really hope it was everything you had imagined.

 Enjoy the final chapter!


The letter started off so well but left me with a bitter taste in my mouth, attached to the letter was a photo of Zak and the Super Bowl trophy. He must have sent this as soon as they had won the game so that he could be the one to tell me, that little shit.

There was nothing to forgive, I haven’t done anything wrong and who is he to tell me that I should feel remorse for what I had done to Max and Zak! If I had made it onto the plane that day I would have come back for him and finished the job, Billy deserved it.

There was only one thing puzzling me about this letter and that was the final paragraph, what did he mean by that? I would get exactly what I wanted from Max and Billy, how the hell could that happen when I was in here? Was he trying to tell me he actually wanted me after all, I’d be better than Zak in bed anyway!

I lay back on my bed the silence was deafening as I thought about what he meant and what the final chapter could be, what did he have planned for me? I chuckled at that, as if he could touch me, even if I wasn’t in here. In here I had plenty of chances to get some if I wanted to but I wasn’t one to lie down and take it and in here that’s all they expected. No, I would wait until I got out then I would finish this once and for all. I would get to have them both.

As I continued to dwell on it a door opened to the block and I wondered if they had changed their minds and had come to let me out. Then the ominous sound of a truncheon hitting against the bars began to get closer and closer to me.

I looked up to see a guard flanked by two huge prisoners that I recognised from the first cell on the block and I gulped. The door slid open and all three men surrounded me, evil grins on their faces as they began unbuckling their jumpsuits. It hit me then as I shuffled back against the wall as far as I could go.

They were the final chapter...


Well that’s it everyone it is over! I want to thank every single one of you for reading and voting for this story. Thanks for sticking with me along the way and I hope the ending is ok xxx

There is a spin off  it is called LA Lust and it is Andrew and Calvins story there is also a one shot on my profile page about Drew. I hope you will try it out  :0)

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