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It had been 3 months since Petra and Jesse became friends. Correction-best-friends. Jesse sat under a tree looking at the costume Axel had made for Rueben. She missed her first friend. The pig that was almost murdered by the butcher 3 months ago.(poor pig T^T)Jesse didn't realize how long she was out there until she saw Petra doing her late night fighting. Petra glanced over Jesse's way, noticing she was mourning over the loss of Rueben.

"Hey Jesse. How ya feeling?"
"Not happy that's for sure..."

Jesse hung her head in silence sheding one single tear. Petra sat next to her and hugged her tight.

"I'll always be here for will Axel, Olivia, Lukas, Jay and your old childhood friend Luna.(Im Luna. Luna is Moon in spanish. So everyone calls me Moon Moon. Sorry to hold up da story!)
"I...just feel..."
"Feel what Jesse?"
"I feel...lost...scared...sad..."

Petra noticed Jesse had cuts on her arms. Petra felt it was just a pig. A pig that was...odd to say the least.

"Jesse it was--"
"It wasn't something that was planned...and i know it hurts but...nobody wants to see you and your bright smile fade by tears and pain...we care about you...i care about you..."

Jesse was tearing up and hugged Petra tight. Jesse didn't know Petra felt the same way she did. Neither did Petra herself! She didn't realize that she was stareing, until Jesse looked away with hints of red on her cheeks. 'Damn that cute face!' She looked up at the stars. The sky was giving off a purple hue with black tints. Reminded her of the legends her dad used to tell. Petra knew she couldn't fix that shattered soul of the girl she loved. She could only hope Jesse would move on. But Petra was also loosing hope for what she could have if only she could tell her. They must've fell asleep...they don't remeber what happened afterwards.😉

Petra's P.O.V!

Petra...Petra wakey-wakey! this woman a rock or what?! PETRA!!!!!


I woke up to a yelling Jesse and a yelling murderous me. What happened? Where am i? And what was i doing with...with her?!

"Jesse...what h-happened?"
"Don't know. Must've fallen asleep i guess."
"That explains why i have drool on my shoulder!"
"Ha ha. Very funny Petra."

We sarcastically tease all the time. She didn't take offense to it. I feel like i have wings when im with Jesse. But what she doesn't know is about my girlfriend. Yeah. Girlfriend. Didn't tell anybody about that. But i don't have to worry about Jesse! She doesn't like me and i know i could never make her feel happy. True happiness. I want her to have that. Vrrrrrrr Vrrrrrrr. I checked my phone. It was Lilian. Greeaaaaaat.

"Hey Jesse sorry but i gotta answer this."
"Its fine."
"Hey Lili...i know i know! Be there at i have to? Fine...seeya in a bit..."
"Who was that?"
"Oh my errr-"
"Don't lie. I can tell it crossed your mind."
"I won't. I promise."
"So. Who was it?"
"Oh...that was my girlfriend. Lilian Stormhalt."

Jesse's P.O.V!

Those words hit like a ton of bricks. I never knew she had a girlfriend. I never knew she was even into girls! And my cousin?! Just...UGH! I can't help but feel a waterfall of emotions. I thought...i thought she...she maybe liked me...but that would never happen...she's too cool and im just...plain and boring...we would never be able to work like that...never...

Petra's P.O.V!

Those words seemed to hurt her. She looked upset and sad. She acted happy for me but, i could tell she isn't. I wish i could just end this madness and come out clean. But i've been dating Lilian in secret for about 7 months, so i can't undo it now, even if i wanted to.

Sorry about the short first chapter! Wrote this about...3am... T^T...
Anywho~ tell me what you thought of it so far! I think i did horrible...but that's just me!*inner voice*'QUIT TALKING AND JUST END DA FREAKING CHAPTER!'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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