-chapter two-

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Pidge woke up from someone tugging her blankets off, causing her to jump and land on the floor. She yelped at the impact and quickly turned her head to see Allura with a sorry look on her face as she held her comforter. 

"You can go get your computer from Lance now, and Shiro called me saying your classes started and that you better be there." Allura said as she threw the blanket back on the bed. Katie's eyes widened as she quickly stood up and ran to one of her boxes that was filled with clothes.

She pulled out a pair of shorts and a green tank top. She ran to the attached bathroom and quickly changed. She tugged her hair shoulder length hair into a small ponytail and brushed her teeth. 

She ran out of the bathroom and grabbed her bag and ran out of the room. She could survive without her laptop for this class she thought.


Turns out she couldn't. She barely survived the class without her laptop. She only had to one page to use to take notes and she used every inch of the paper. Then to make matters better she got lectured about it since she was the only one who didn't bring a laptop. 

When she got back to her dorm, no one was there, not even Allura. Pidge sighed as she went to her small desk. She noticed her laptop was on the desk and she got even more mad. She sat on the swivel chair and opened the laptop. She quickly went on her notes and started transferring information from her paper to her computer. 

She went to a new tap and went to YouTube. Pidge quickly went on a playlist and went back to notes.  She hummed along to the song as she typed away. She scratched the notes she copied from the paper with a pen so she wouldn't get confused. 

She was halfway through her notes when the door opened. Her music was a little louder and she was full on singing, the music blocking out the noise of the door. She scratched off another note as she kicked off and turned in her chair so she was away from her desk and her chair spinning as she closed her eyes. 

"And I thought she would be the one this time. But I  never got the chance to make her mi...mine." She opened her eyes to see Lance standing there wide eyed. "Why are you in here?" She asked as she turned back around and turned the music off. 

Lance quickly put on his usual smirk. "Running from Shiro. Who would of thought that flipping Allura's skirt up would get him mad?" He asked as he flopped onto the couch after he closed the door.

"Lance you are the least smart person I know." She said as she rolled her eyes and turned back to her computer. She continued to take notes, ignoring Lance. 

"Can I just call you Katie?" Lance asked after she finished her notes and threw away her notes. She turned to look at him. She cocked her eyebrow as she took in a shaky breathe. 

"Why not just Pidge?" She asked as she sat Indian style on the chair. She placed her hands on her ankles, holding her legs there.

"I just don't think Pidge is a name I want to call such a beautiful girl." Lance said with a wink. Katie puffed out her freckled cheeks as they got a tint of pink. Shiro always scared boys away from here so she didn't know how to react. 

"Sure go ahead." She said right as the door opened. Shiro was in the door way with a smirk. Lance scrambled up and was now standing in a defensive position. 

"You know, she doesn't even let me call her Katie," Shiro started as he walked forward a bit. "Now you get a hit for doing that to Allura and making Pidge accept your flirting." Shiro said as he also stepped aside so he had a head start for running. 

Lance immediately started running out the door and down the hallway. Katie chuckled, as Shiro chased after him. She got up and closed the door, walking back to her seat she went she packed her laptop in her bag after checking the time. 

She grabbed the bag and started going to her final class, Programming. 

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