Ten top tips to becoming a better writer

Start from the beginning

All in all I’m trying to say use your imagination; you can’t go wrong with it :)

MalikaDreams said all there is to say on this ~JTaimeToi

#3 Spelling, Grammar and a basic grasp of the English language

Right this is something that really annoys me. I’ve read way too many stories where people misuse ‘Your’ and ‘You’re’ and even worse ‘Their’ and ‘They’re’. Let me help you


‘YOUR ISH’ and ‘YOU’RE ISH’- (I didn’t want to swear so yeah...it’s important)

If you’re someone who already knows the difference, here have a cookie :)

OK and another thing when you write make sure your writing skills surpass that of my six year old brother...

My view (JTaimeToi)

Yeah seriously guys learn the difference between ‘YOUR’ and ‘YOU’RE’. Oh and another thing capitalise your I’s, that’s all. Actually no it’s not. Some of you don’t know when to use apostrophes, you use them to separate two words (e.g. they’re, can’t, you’re) or for possessive nouns!

I’m done!

#4 Advertising

This is something that really annoys me. Wattpad has a SYS club so please, please use it. DON’T spam message people telling them to read your story. It’s annoying. Yes, we all want to be read but that doesn’t mean spamming people! I suggest that you use SYS or check the person’s board. Most people indicate whether they read everyone’s work or not so please check. Certainly don’t post on their book asking them to read your work, that’s damn rude. With advertising just be sensible and remember if your book is worth reading, people will read it :)

Another problem I have with advertising is this supposed ‘R4R, C4C and V4V’ business some people seem to enjoy. Firstly in my opinion most R4R are V4V in disguise since Wattpad doesn’t allow read for read. BUT, most importantly is the fact that most people who create these discussions don’t follow through with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arrrrgh the idea is that both parties are supposed to participate. If you don’t want to read other peoples work look for the free reads, though some people disguise R4R under the pretence of being free reads. NO! Be truthful please :). Another thing, when creating these discussions please indicate what you’d like to read. Otherwise some people will be greatly disappointed when you don’t read their work.

My view (JTaimeToi)

Well, I don’t have a lot of fans so I don’t have the problem of people spam advertising me. I do agree with MalikaDreams though about the other stuff, double check! Another thing don’t be excessive with your advertising, your story will get more reads if you enjoy it and you actually write, some people just don’t like reading unfinished stories.

#5 comments and votes

OK this is both of our opinions :)

Would you rather people just randomly voted on your story without really reading it or posted comments such as ‘love this’ on your first chapter where it’s clear they haven’t bothered to read it? The sad thing is there are a lot of people who do this. Whilst there’s nothing wrong with asking people to vote and comment we feel it’s wrong to vote unless you really like the story and if you’re commenting that you like a story, say what you liked about it so the author knows that you’ve read it :). Authors, please try and acknowledge all comments and votes so that your readers are more inclined to keep reading your story and commenting and voting.

Ten top tips to becoming a better writerWhere stories live. Discover now