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Circulating the blood from your veins or the life on repeat, the pointless moments that make me so painfully sad to the point I wish no longer to circulate.
Hesitation to live and hesitation to take what your mother gave you to begin with. where do you look when you lost what was yours? When you found the light that was once there and somehow it disappeared and now you're stuck in this dark pathway wondering where, where to go from here? Do I go backwards to try to repeat the same action or maybe falling short and losing my way, or do I go forwards stumbling over my feet and wondering where the next ledge is that I'm going to trip over.
How do you find that light again, because sometimes my light blinks, and I see for a moment.
And then the batteries die out, and I'm wondering how I got here in the first place.

I'm tired of circulating.
And I'm blind without my light.

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