Chapter one- Before the return

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I had joined the Cullens as Carlisle's sister and aunt to the young vampires of his coven. I was also auntie Lex to Nessie who along with Bella and Alice had been spending more time with me. Rose was still a bit off about me at first, but only because I could tell she was not use to what I was. Being an Original was something not everyone knew, and what we are is not something anyone expecting. I am 1000 years old and no one understood what I can do, nor the fact is it easy to understand that I can not die. Thankfully the only thing that can truly kill me unless is with a white oak stake, which sooner or later I was going to burn. Personally I didn't need Mikeal coming after me right now, after all father wanted to do more than try to kill me that is. We had not called Mikeal my Father since we were little, my mother was a woman who was very strong as a witch and it brought our life to see our family like it is. Klaus, my younger brother, had daggered all of our other siblings almost 5 years ago now and as the one that escaped well I was still thankful for my brother Elijah who had tempered him but he was still his crazed self and I knew he feared to be alone. Something I think all of us feared as we could be weakened by his bite but my life was something I didn't know was to keep my family safe and now my family was the Cullens and I was thankful for it.

"Alex come on! I found a dress for you!" Alice said as she got me attention, and I smiled at her.

"Alright, but you know how I feel about pink." I said as she smiled and laughed holding up a bright lavender dress that was slightly cut more seductively. With a leather jacket, and a pair of kickin' black boots.

"Alice, you are getting better at what I like." Smiling as I put my hand on her shoulder and smiled at her. My eyes wandered around the store as I think my mind was trying to look out for my sister and my brothers. God knows if Kol had any idea of my life now I don't know what was going to happen to me now. I was born to the family of Mikealsons and our family created many of the vampire lines.

"Nessie come on darling lets get you something to wear for the family party tonight." I said as I looked at her and she smiled as Bella, Alice and I were looking for a new soft taupe dress that would go with the flats I had gotten her a weak ago. Carlisle gave me access to the family funds but I still had some of my own built up from over the decades and saying I was my own daughter, well that definitely altered my way of living.

"You know Alex, I think you make better matches than I do." Nodding I smiled at Alice as looked at me, and smiled back. My phone then went off, and I felt something, it was like- and I knew the vampire's presence before me.

"Damon, What the hell are you doing here?" I asked as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Rebekah told me they lost you." With that I turned and slapped him hard enough for it to ring out in the small store of Port Angela, and all of my family turned to face me as this went on.

"I left because I was done being forced to be something I am not."

"But you are a Mikealson-"

"No I am not, not anymore." I said as he looked at me and I placed my hand back from my face allowing me to see more of the world in front of me.

"You are still the daughter of Ester and Mikeal." With that I looked at him and was highly upset he even mentioned their names.

"I am neither of those vermin Child." I said as I looked at him and I began to morph my eyes in to that of darkness as I looked at my family.

"Who is this Alex?"

"Alice, Bella, Nessie this is my friend Damon." I said as I looked at him and Alice got what I was going for.

"I think it's time for you to leave." Nodding we all walked away and understood all that was happening. Bella and Nessie as well, our lives were not going to be altered by my brother and his annoying antics.

"Why did you come here Damon? Did Klaus want you to try to drag me back to them? To come back for me to beg for mercy for leaving the family?" I asked him as he looked at me.

"Because I needed to know why you left." He said as I looked at him and dragged him to a side alley and told the girls to wait for me.

"Because I was done with Klaus's ideas of being the king of the damned town nor the fact I am not going to let people try to make me what I am not." I said as he nodded and looked at me with a look of are you serious?

"You are a Mikealson and you can never get away with that you know that. You're past will follow you." I looked at him and placed my hand out and was about to push him away from me when I felt Alice's mind near.

"Alice I can feel you." She stepped out and looked at me knowing I was not the normal me right now. My eyes were bright with blood, and I calmed myself as she looked at me. I calmed, as my eyes were slowly returning to their hazel hue.

"Damon I don't know what the hell you wanted from me but I am going to wipe your memories." I said as I grabbed him and used compulsion. My eyes widened, as the deep hazel irises began to glow as I looked in his and took hold tightly on his shoulders, not letting him go until I knew he was fully under my control with compulsion. 

"You forget you saw me, tell Rebekah you did not find me you will bye new clothes and shower to remove my scent from your skin. And you will forget you ever saw me here." With that I looked at him and released him from my control as he began to walk away now that he was walking away as Alice looked at me.

"What did you do to him?"

"I used compulsion, I am one of four who can use their powers of compulsion on a vampire and a human. My brother Elijah, Myself, Klaus, and Rebekah, as Originals we have a gift and it is a great one at that. It has saved my 'family' and I more times than I could ever count." I explained to Alice as she looked at me. She nodded and gave me a soft smile, and walking over to me so that she could be close to me. 

"I am sorry you had to see that." I said as she looked at me and hugged me.

"Alex you did what you had to do, especially to stay save and remain hidden and I know you would never use that on us." Nodding I smiled and hugged her tightly to me. 

"Thank you Alice." I said as she looked at me and we made our way back to Bella and Nessie. Alice and I talked for a moment, smiling, knowing that what I had told her must stay between us. She knew what it was like 

"Is everything okay?" 

"Yeah Bella, it is okay. I am sorry that everything was going on." I said as I looked at him and pushed my hair behind my ear and I knew it was going to be hard for me to remain hidden so I decided to make a new idea and looked at myself in the store window.  I had changed in the course of just a few months and now I had wiped the memories of an old lover of mine, and made him only think what I thought. And no one could undo what I have done, because of what has been happening in life. This is also how we discover what is going on in our lives now that we are adults. My mind was racing as I thought about all that was happening, I couldn't have my family finding me. I was not going to become a Mikealson again, I was not going to be labeled a killer and a bitch again just for being a vampire. I had soft tan going on, with my hazel eyes. I didn't look like stone, only this started happening when I created Aro, the one boy I saved and offered immortality. He carried a gene that altered the way Vampires were like, cold, stone like, this was what happened after I know my brother Elijah bit a few humans who wanted to be like him. Finn, Elijah, myself, Niklaus, Kol, and Rebekah. After our sister died I was the oldest girl of the family. Rebekah and I didn't always see eye to eye, but we were sisters. And we loved each other, I loved Elijah, Finn, Kol, and Klaus even when they all pretty good most of the time unless we were going to be daggered. Which if he ever did that to me again I was going to kill him by dragging him through white ash if I could, but curse my heart I loved him to dearly. 

"Alex are you okay?" 

"I'm going to be alright, I am sorry what just happened it was-" 

"Aunt Lex?" Nessie said as she came over and wrapped her arms around me. 

"I'm going to be okay Nessie I promise." I said as I kissed her head. To think I was the aunt of beautiful girls who were part of my new family. 

The Mikaelson  Family meets the CullensOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora