the struggles of being small

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I was walking down the hallway with Haruka and the others. People were complimenting Minami and Kirara, due to them being the "academy's princess" and a model. Then the people noticed me. "Oh look it's that girl, what was her name again?" Said one girl. "It's Rizumu Ongaku. She's in one of my classes." Said another girl. "Ooooh. She's pretty though. With that long blonde hair and those deep blue eyes. I always see her with music. " "Yeah, kinda like that purple precure, the music princess one." I smiled. It felt nice to be loved. Since I really haven't been loved that much in my life. "Except. How old is she? 13? Cause she's short. Like really short. She litterly looks like an elementary schooler." "She's about the same height as the purple precure, who is short also. But that precure is actually pretty strong, but short. What if one day she'll lose to an enemy cause she's so small?" That had me shook. I've always been mistaken for my age, cause I'm not tall. In fact, I'm the shortest of the precures. And the fact that "One day she'll lose because of her height." Had me worried. What if I really did lose because of my shortness. "An elementary schooler.." I thought. "Don't worry, Rizu-Rizu. One day you'll grow." Said Kirara. I looked down at myself. My academy uniform had heels with it, so that made me a little taller. But nope, I'm still short. I walked into class. It was too bad that none of the precures were in classes with me. Just then some girls walked up to me. "Hey look, It's Rizumu shorty." Said the leader. I looked at them. Fuck. Mean people. There gonna call me an "arm rest." One of them put their arms on my head. "Hey arm rest. Do you have a boyfriend yet? Did you kiss him yet? Oh wait, you probably don't have one since guys like tall girls. You probably can't even kiss him, Since your so short you can't reach him." Another one grabbed my bag. "Hey, give that back!" I said. She threw it and it landed on top of a high closet. "Oops. Sorry. That was an accident. You can get that. Not, small girl!" She said as she and her friends and everyone else in the classroom started laughing. I felt tears in my eyes. Just then Akai ran up to the girls and punched them. Miyu grabbed my bag. "You do realized that if you mess with any of my friends and me it's like your touching fire?" Snapped Akai. "Yeah, don't you dare be mean to Rizumu! She never did anything!" Miyu said. The girls looked at them and glared at them. "Are you two blind? Just look at her! Doesn't she look like an elementary schooler old when she's 13?" Said the leader. "So what? Is there a problem with that? No there isn't!" Akai glared back. "Yeah there's nothing wrong with being short. Big or small, everyone's the same! Now will you just leave her alone?!" Miyu said. Just then the teacher walked inside. "Everyone go back to your seats! Class is starting!" "Ugh, whatever. Say all you want, but you'll regret your words." The girls said as they laughed and sat down. We all sat down and greeted the teacher. "Don't you listen to those idiots!" Whispered Akai. "Yeah, there only trying to put you down." Miyu whispered. "Please no talking or whispering." Said the teacher. "Sorry." Then we did our classes like normal. Except I couldn't stop thinking about me being short. Am I really that short? Do I really look like an elementary schooler?" I ignored that feeling, I should save it until lunch. At lunch, I met up with Haruka and the others. We all sat down at a table. "So how was classes?" Asked Kirara. "Good for most of the time, except that I got bullied for being a little person." I replied. "Why would someone bully you for that? It's just height!" Said Haruka. "Yeah, it's just height. But not to some people. They think a short person is different from everyone else. My family genetics are short people, so that's the reason why I'm a little person. Not to mention I also have a stupid growth disorder." I said. "Well, we don't think your different because of your height. We like you just the way you are." Minami said. I smiled. "Thanks guys!" Just then I saw those girls who bullied me. They looked at me, then at each other. They laughed and then walked off. "Ugh, those types of girls. I just can't stand that." Kirara said. "Yeah, me either. Those were the ones that bullied me. They made fun of me and threw my bag on top of a high closet, where they knew I could not reach. Luckily Akai and Miyu stood up for me." I said. "I would have stood up for you also. It's too bad  were not in the same classes." Said Haruka. Just then we heard screams. People were running inside. We ran outside to see what was going on. We were right. Close had attacked the girls who bullied me. Now there was not just one, not two, but 3 of them. 3 zetsuborgs. "Everyone." Haruka said. We all nodded. "Precure! Princess Engage!" We all said as we all transformed. We all ran up to them and kicked them. One of the grabbed Flora, another grabbed Mermaid, and another grabbed Twinkle. They all threw them. "Flora! Mermaid! Twinkle!" I yelled out. I ran up to them as they got up. "Are you three ok?" I asked. "We're fine." Mermaid said. Just then one of the zetsuborgs kicked me across. I screamed as I flew in the air. "Harmony!" Yelled out the other cures. I got up. "Are you alright?" Asked Flora. "Yeah I'm fine. There's only minor injuries but I'm ok." I said. "Oh look. Cure Shorty fell. That shows how weak she is because she's so small like a dwarf. Get her!" Yelled out Close. That got me mad. "It's Cure Harmony, not flipping Cure Shorty! Get your facts right!" I yelled out. "Or is it Cure Small? Maybe it's Cure Dwarf? Sorry I'm forgetful sometimes, everything is so big for you!" Now I kept getting more angrier. I also felt tears in my eyes. "Get it together, Harmony! It's not the time to cry!" I thought. The other Cures tried to fight the zetsuborg, but it kept running after me. I tried to jump up and kick it, but it just pushed me away. It also started raining. The rain was like how I felt right now. "S-s-s-STOP IT!!!!" I screamed. You could now see the tears. I got up again and I pushed it, and it pushed me back. "I may be small, but that does not mean that I can not fight! It may look like I'm weak, but I will fight you! I will defeat you!!!" I yelled. "Exchange! Mode elegant!" I transformed. "Turn up the music! Precure Harmony Muse!" Music notes got all over the zetsuborg. "Dreaming." They all said. Then they exploded. I bowed down. "Have a good day." I then used my key to open the door. "Open, door to dreams!" I turned the lock, and it revealed the dreams of the 3 girls of becoming well known around the world. I got the leader, Flora got another one, and Mermaid and Twinkle got the last one. I watched the leader open her eyes. "Your dream will come true, just believe in it." I said, smiling. We all set the girls down, and we all dissappered. "W-wait! We want to know more about you!" I heard them say. But we were already gone. We all detransformed. "Oh look, lunch is over. We have to head over to class." Said Minami. "See you guys later." Kirara said as she walked away. "Good bye then." Minami said as she walked away also. "Do you think they started class?" I asked Haruka. "I don't think so. At times like this they would have to shut down classes." She replied. "Oh right. Well I gotta go to class. See you later." I said as I waved and walked away. I got to class. It didn't start yet. Some people were in the hallway, others were in the classroom. I found Miyu and Akai. "The precures appeared again!" Said Miyu. "Yeah, I wished those girls stayed inside that despair cage, since they were mean to my friend. But the precures saved them. Oh well, at least they were cool like always." Said Akai. I then saw those girls who bullied me. They looked dizzy. "Ugh...I'm traumatised...." Said the leader. "Nobody should capture me...." Said another one. "All I felt was despair and all I saw was darkness...." Said the 3rd one. "What happened to you 3?" Someone said. "I-I don't know! All we were doing was walking, then we fell unconscious... next thing I knew I woke up, with the precures...." The leader said. Then she fell out of her dizziness. "Yeah guys! We saw the precures personally and not you guys!" They all said. "Um, actually I saw the precures personally too..." Said Miyu. "And I did too." Akai said. "Don't forget about me." Said a random person. A few people raised their hands, hinting that they saw the precures personally. I remember saving them also. I haven't been a precure for long, but I've already saved a lot of people. "Hey, Rizumu. Did you see the precures personally?" Akai asked. I gulped. "I am a precure." I wanted to say. "Yeah I did also." I said. "See, lots of people seen the cures personally." Said Akai. The 3 girls glared at us all. "Whatever. We all saw the cures. Whoever didn't then they must be blind. And if you've never heard of the precures, then you must be living under a rock." Said the leader. We all sat down because class was starting. I smiled as I looked out the window. "Even if I am short, I still defeated Close. Just because I'm a small person doesn't mean I can't fight. You shouldn't judge people on how they look. Yeah that's right Close. Even if I was small, I still defeated you." I thought.

(Rip I'm sorry if I offended small people in this chapter ;^;)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2018 ⏰

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