"What's this movie called again?," Jane asked, sitting down next to Audrey on their sleeping bags.

Lonnie had invited Jane, Audrey, and Cameron over for a sleepover because her parents were out of town for the weekend and she didn't want to be alone.

"Fake Girlfriend Experience," Cameron answered, pulling Lonnie's blanket up to cover herself more.

The two of them were sitting on Lonnie's bed, laying propped up against her pillows.

"It's about these two girl's who pretend to be girlfriends to avoid dating these two guys that keep asking them out," Cameron explained.

"That sounds like fun actually," Lonnie commented, frowning in thought.

"Yeah, shit, I'd do that if I had someone to do it with,"

Lonnie looked at Cameron

"Seriously? Because I'd do it of you did it with me,"

Cameron laughed slightly.  "I was just kidding," Lonnie slumped. "But, I'll do it,"

"Why would you two want to do that?," Audrey asked, sitting up and looking at them.

"I already told Chad I was a lesbian when he asked me out, but he's persistent, so this will help me out," Cameron shrugged.

"I just need some excitement in my life," Lonnie groaned dramatically, falling back on her bed.

This made the others laugh, causing her to laugh as well.


Once the movie had ended, Jane and Audrey were already asleep, curled up around each other.

Lonnie and Cameron were awake, laying facing each other.

"Do you really want to do the fake girlfriend thing?," Lonnie asked, making sure to keep her voice quiet.

Cameron nodded. "Yeah. But we have to make it autehntic, you know like... hugging and kissing and stuff,"

Lonnie nodded slowly. "You're right... we should prcatice,"

"Kissing and hugging?,"

"Yeah. Meet me here at seven tomorrow so we can be ready for monday,"

"Alright, goodnight.... babe?,"

Lonnie laughed. "Goodnight, babe,"


Word Count- 305.

Let me know if that was as cringe worthy as I think it is😅

The rest of the story will be way better than this chatper, I just wanted to get this done before I went to bed 😂

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2017 ⏰

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