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What about you and me?


We were once strangers. Hell do I even care of your existence?

We once walked passed by each other, simply uttering a simple Hi with a genuine smile.

You have finally met, one of my newly found friends; and suddenly I can see a glimmer on your eyes which blends

that! that kind of smile flashed on your lips and your rosy pink fluffy cheeks.

What about you and me? It was us, my friend and I, who teases you to her

making you like her with just a snap of fingers.

We were once strangers, Hell now I care of your existence.

We got along easily, I observed and understood your actions

A soft-hearted guy who is always taken advantage because of his kindness

who make sure that you are comfortable and makes you forget uneasiness

a guy who everyone wants to be friends with and I am beyond lucky for becoming one of your friends.

What about you and me? We became brother and sister from a different family, what you carry, I will carry

for you are one of the friends I will always treasure.

We were once strangers, Hell everything's doing good with your mere existence.

We laughed over silly jokes, we cried over happiness, we were working too hard to strengthen the bond of the friendship  not knowing that we are already showing beyond clinginess.

Someone became a hindrance,

you could not have her for her attention is crafted for his embrace

Now the glimmer in your eyes turned into bitter  sorrowful tears.

What about you and me? In the process of pain and acceptance,

You were able to move on with our help and with this new circumstance

to which started with a simple "You're so beautiful- I should have courted you before"

We were once strangers, now your existence really matter.

They teased. Issued. Us. 

We started playing along with what they want us to do

throwing cheesy lines and sugary gestures.

I got attached, you were already smiling genuinely as I watched.

You can read my actions, I got to know you better.

We were so close with each other,

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