"I asked for one of those..bathroom breaks. Class is so boring, and too easy!"


"Yea! And people keep staring at us, the guys look like they want to beat us up, and the girls just stare! How can I do my work with those looks on me like that?" I laughed

"You know class is over in three minutes." I said looking at my phone, "When did you ask to use the bathroom?"

"Like ten minutes ago, why?"

"Well you'd better go back, I bet the teacher is thinking that you tried to skip class now. See you in the hallways." I said turning to get back to class

"Aw, I don't wanna go back!" he called to me down the hall headed back, I giggled at him, I couldn't get over his childlike behaviour. Class was over in what seemed more like three seconds than three minutes. The student body of Greenville High, scrambled out of their classes and into the halls, I went to my locker to trade out my books. That's when I heard Tammy's call for me, she practically ran into me with some important news,

"Oh my gosh! Moe, have you seen the new guys?! They are hot! I heard there were more through the halls, but still, have you seen them?" I looked at her confused


"They have these really unique names, I think one's name was like Ur-Ursomething and another one's was Nere or something like that." I should have known, there the only new guys I know of

"Tammy, those are the guys I was telling you about." I said casually

"Really! OMG! Really?!"

"Yea, Uriah, Nereus, Remiel, and Zephan. The one you met was Zephan, on Friday-"

"You have to introduce me to them! Before one of those cheerleading sluts gets to them first!" I laughed at her honesty, but she didn't have to wait any longer. Just down the hall, I saw all of them making their way through the crowd, but it was an easy effort; most of them stepped out of the way, awstruck, jealous, curious, and intimidated. Tammy saw what caught my eye, and turned around quickly, thinking to herself what she should do next.

"Relax." I told her closing my locker

"What should I do?"

"You should relax." I said again

"Hi Uri!" Remiel called reaching my locker, with the others following behind

"Hey." Zephan spoke, with Nereus and Uriah calling after him, I could see Nereus eyeing Tammy

"Who's your friend?" he asked walking over to her, leaning against the locker

"I..uh...hi.." she was caught between her words, I knew what that felt like

"This is Tammy."

"Tammy.." Nereus repeated, "I'm Nereus." he said with a confident smile across his face

"Tammy," I said getting her attention, "this is Uriah, Remiel, and you've already met Zephan." I said introducing them to her

"Hi." she said timidly, hiding behind her curly hair

"So, what do you guys want?"

"Nothing," Zephan started, "just to see where you were before headed off to.." he looked down at his schedule, "English."

"Well, you won't be seeing me until lunch and after school."

"Doesn't mean we won't find you in the halls." he said with a smirk

"Unless you're looking for me, then no." I said copying that smirk of his, he went to say something else, but a message on th loud speaker inturrupted him

"Attention all students, don't forget to grab you goshtly dates and your haunting costumes for the Halloween Dance coming up this Saturday! Remember, we will have a costume contest, and a best couple's dance contest! So don't forget to practice! And don't forget to dress to kill!" the voice faded out

"A dance huh?" Uriah asked

"Yea, nervous?"

"No," he shrugged, "I just don't think it can compare to what we've been to."

"Are you guys planning on going?" I looked up at Zephan

"Why not, the dance contest sounds like something we could do." I blushed

"If you're good on your feet, twinkle toes." I said brushing past him to go to my next class, but they all followed me; crap, English is next to my Geography class, Tammy caught up with me.

"You got a costume?" Remiel asked me

"Yes, I do." I said proudly

"What is it?" he questioned with eager

"It's a teen witch costume, and you're going to have to wait to see it." I said looking back at him

"What are you wearing Tammy?" Nereus asked walking next to her

"Um, I have...um...I'm going to be a gothic fairy." she said shyly

"That sounds...appealing." I tuned out of their conversation and I saw Josh and his friends pass by in our direction, I left the group and turned to catch up with him

"Josh! Josh! Wait up!" he stopped and turned around to look at me, Devon and Trevor saw where this was going and left for class. I was shocked to see his face, Tammy was right, the light was gone from his eyes. "Josh? Are you ok-"

"What do you want?" he said walking on

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" the halls were getting empty until we were the only two left, he stopped and looked at me with disgust

"What's wrong? What's wrong? How can you even ask that? You know what's wrong! You're a fucking bird! Don't try and pretend like Friday didn't happen, because it did!" and with that he walked away, but not before saying his finals words before turning the corner, "I can't believe I had a crush on a freak!"

Tears threatned to fall, "Josh?" I said just over a whisper, how could he say such an awful thing? It's not like the wings are out now, I'm still Uri Dame, he was my first true crush. And now I know that he actually liked me, I was left alone in the halls, heartbroken, hurt, betrayed. I wipped away a tear that escaped from my eye, I turned around and saw Zephan looking at me with hurt in his eyes. I looked down, and started to walk by him, I didn't want him to see me break down, but instead, he grabbed me into a hug; embraced me with sorrow.

I didn't try and fight him off, I needed to be held, I needed to know someone cared. He let me sob into his Ed Hardy shirt, he rubbed my back and let me cry the hurt away. "Sshh..words hurt, but don't let them be permanet.." the bell rung that God awful tune

"We're late for class." I said inbetween sobs

"Class can wait, you just let the pain go away." I would try and let the pain go away, but I never will. I will have a constant reminder of the pain, the hurt, the disgust, everything I spread my wings.

The pain will never go away...

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